Of Master Story Tellers and Broken Air Conditioning: The infamous battle of Keydom vs. Bling-Bling [1/2]
author: Bingi (indelible-x)
pairing: 2min, onkey, jongkey bickering. lots of brotherly love lololol
rating: pg-13
warnings: despite the rather epic title, this is actually really, really lame. one shot in two parts. awkward story telling. lots of
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I want to know the story about that King/Queen of this far, far away land was named Key, and he was the ruler of a nice place called Keydom and held a great distaste for the neighboring kingdom, Bling-Bling. But one day, Key is very upset because his beloved child has been kidnapped….
i bet Key beloved child is Taemin x3
ahaha ... how could they all cuddling in such a situation xP
ah~ I love this<3~ and I love you<3<3~
i'm so gonna wait for the next chapter xDD
You're a good guesser. ;D
Every situation should include cuddling! xDD
THANKS FOR READING BB. <3 I'll try and get part two out soon~
A TALE OF LOVE AND HATE ?! hmm.. i've something in my mind about this story xP wellwell... let's see in the next part if that ' something in my mind ' is right or not xD
hehe.. well, yes i AM xD /smacked
oh~ cuddling is a MUST then.. hmm.. :T
yeahyeah soon :D i hope it's very soon xP
-cuddle cuddle cuddle-
We can never expect anything normal from our diva~ ;D
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