Dec 06, 2005 21:26
So, one of my very best friends, Kara (my ex-sister-in-law) & her family moved away, way far away, to Virginia (10 hours from here) just last Thursday. Her husband got a kick-ass position within the company he works & they just up & shipped them the fuck out. Z & I have been very sad about it. I miss them terribly. I had finally gotten to the point where I could think & talk about it & not burst instantly into tears & she called me today & it made me sad all over again. It's WEIRD them not being here. That's all I have to say about that. *sniff*
Today was my 36-week checkup. I am officially at term, which just means the baby is pretty much as developed as he's going to get & he is just fattening up at this point. I could safely have him at any time & he wouldn't be considered premature. BUT....there's always a big but....having been checked today, there has been no progress toward him coming ANY TIME SOON. I have been having CRAZY braxton hicks contractions for weeks now, so strong at times they take my breath clean away, & NOTHING has come from them. I have to say that I was a little disheartened, but it also just made me realize I need to be resting & napping & whatnot while I can in preparation for this little guy. He's so very wearing me out. Hopefully, at my appointment next week (I'm down to weekly appointments now....YAY!) he'll have moved down some I'll have dialated some & we can start talking induction date...W00T! The doc doesn't want to be delivering me at Christmas time & quite frankly neither do I. Say a prayer....if you're into that sort of thing. Think: Progression....PROGRESSION.
My next-door-neighbor/ good friend Cindy & I went to FINALLY see the new Harry Potter flick this evening. It was pretty intense & very entertaining....but I feel like it was so anticlimactic. I realize they did that to leave doors open for the next film but I don't know....I just can't describe it. AND & I feel like a dirty old woman. You know those scenes on television & in the movies where the person is in the fetal position in the shower scrubbing & crying because they feel unclean? Yeah, that's me. I kept catching myself going "Oooooo!" & "Ooooh my!" Somebody please slap me!
I've been up since 3:45 AM. I'm going to go crash now. Kisses y'all.