Hiya! Been a while & I just needed to empty my brain!
First off, we'll (hopefully) be finding out the sex of this baby next Monday! Too exciting! I have no idea (not even a feeling) what this baby might be. So many people have asked me & I just don't even know! What I DO know is that it sure has been moving around alot the past 2 weeks & I'm also getting quite large. Woo hoo. It's harder for me to do things too. Like, bend over to tie my shoes, or paint my toes, stand up, go up stairs...etc... I'd forgotten how much fun pregnancy was! I also get asked what would I like to have, & I know this is totally cliché, but after what we went through with Z, I seriously just want a healthy baby I can hold as soon as it's born & take home from the hospital when I leave. I honestly don't care what it is!
Second, Dragon*Con is exactly 30 days away & we just found out yesterday that Joss has suddenly decided that he knew nothing about being a confirmed, scheduled guest & isn't coming. Bigger & better things to do, I guess. Although we're going to have a fabulous time with or without him there, it's definitely a bummer. I was really looking forward to meeting him.
Thirdly, I'm soooooo..... very sad about QAF ending.
I just got hooked at the end of last season & have watched all of this season & I was in tears last night at the end of the ep. when the announcer dude was all "Well this is it folks. Next week is the last episode...blah blah blah." DAMN IT!!! I mean, I knew it was coming, I guess I've just been in denial. I did this same thing with BtVS, but I guess the cool thing is, I have 3 & a half seasons I haven't watched yet, so ...yay? Oh yeah, I love love love Emmett Honeycutt...had to be said.
My folks & my brother's visit all-in-all was quite pleasant. My mother & I hit an all-time record though, as it only took 2 days (instead of the usual 3) for us to be on each other's last nerve.
I just got tired of the damn fits & her talking to me like I'm an effin' child. So when I'd had enough of it, I threw the attitude she was giving me right back at her (instead of taking it like I usually do) & she got all pissed & threw a fit, I ignored it & acted as if I could care less that she was stewing & then we moved on. Sheesh, I feel like I'm in fucking high school again. It just has to stop & I really don't know how to end it, as anything I say will be turned around that it's all my fault or all in my head. The husband simply doesn't understand that this is the way it's always been & I really don't know how it can change without causing some damage as she can hold quite a long grudge. So, I'm kinda stuck, I guess.
ANYWAY, my brother is back in Afghanistan now. It took him a week to get there. I was starting to get kinda worried, but he e-mailed me yesterday & assured me everything was fine & all was like he'd never even left. Isn't that just great? *sigh*
Well, I guess that's enough whining & bitching for now, don't you think? I hope you all are well (those of you who still have my loser ass on your f'list, anyway!)