Jun 28, 2005 21:03
So here in Brentwood, just south of Nashville, we have this giant, ugly-ass statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest on the side of I-65N. It's been there for several years now & I hhhaaaate it. I mean I DESPISE this statue. Whenever I drive by it, I clench my teeth & glare in it's general direction, most times cursing under my breath like Yosemite Sam. My husband brought it up for whatever reason this evening & we got into a big fat arguement. I can't even talk about the statue without getting pissy. Anyway, he feels I am ignorant about this man, & that I have formed an uneducated opinion about him, which I absolutely have NOT. I've read plenty about him, from several different sources, & I simply do not feel that a statues should be erected in this man's honor! Period. Ok, so the man was a great Civil War hero that never lost a battle. Woo. Hoo. The man was ALSO the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, which granted, was not originally founded as the inconceivably violent organization of despicable monsters it became, but was a group of intolerant, white supremacist hate-mongers all the same & it just makes me want to vomit.
Oh. And my husband's "education" about him consists of listening to the opinions of an ultra-conservative talk radio show host. Niiiice.
I won an AWESOME old Cure concert shirt on ebay the other night for next to nothing & I cannot wait to get it!!! YAAAAY!
OH!!! I'm taking the boy to Tony Hawk's Boom Boom Huck Jam this weekend at the GEC. YAAAAY for cute boys doing crazy shit on skateboards, bikes & motorcycles! WHEEEEE!