Supermeme (3/3)

Dec 26, 2011 14:30

Where and how were they educated?
He had a fairly ordinary public school system-based education. He swapped high schools recently, and now attends Domino High.

Who trained them in their class or job?
He’s had plenty of teachers. None who stood out, in particular, other than the one who ended up as a figurine. Really, school work is not Brooklime’s priority right now.

What was their relationship with their teacher(s)/mentor(s)?
Again, so not a priority. But Marik might constitute a mentor, if just because he taught Brooklime a little about the Ring.

Worst. Mentor. Ever.

How did they happen across this teacher or mentor?
Whilst bleeding to death on a pier, Marik used his magical artefact to stop the pain and allow Brooklime to talk. Or rather, to plead for help. It went downhill from there.

Was their mentor kind, stern, cruel, indifferent?
A mix of all of the above, but mostly the indifference.

Is this person or institution still in existence?

Were they forced into their profession by parents or peers?

Did circumstances dictate their choice of profession?

Were they a prize student or did they just barely pass?
Middle of the class- he’s average at almost everything. If he put in more effort then he could almost certainly do better, but even before Battle City he never focused on work and was always daydreaming.

Look at their skills. How did they acquire them (especially the unusual ones)?
He’s an artist, which was something he’s practised and worked at for a long time. Storytelling is also something of a talent for him, and that came naturally. Recently, he’s gotten a little better at lying, though that’s mostly by omission, because he’s bad at thinking lies up on the spot. It’s different from stories: lies have to be plausible. At any rate, that skill was developed from practise, and nothing more. He has absolutely no skill at using the Ring, which is the only unusual one I can think of.

Have they ever done anything else for a living?

How do they function in combat (manoeuvres, weaknesses)?
Mostly, he’ll just get Temperance to charge forward with big, sharp claws raised. But Temperance has a special ability that can work for or against him - Brooklime has to adjust for that. He hasn’t had much experience with Temperance, and none at all in his own world (though he will keep his unlocked ka when he returns, so it’s still relevant), and because of that, his general plan is to attack blindly with Temperance, then hope for the Ring to intervene if Temperance is defeated. Note that the Ring will do so if he is likely to be seriously injured, and if he’s so badly hurt that he can’t summon his ka, it will definitely do something to protect him. Theoretically, Brooklime can initiate a shadow game or even use the Ring’s telekinesis voluntarily, but he hasn’t considered the former and has neither the experience nor the initiative for the latter (it would involve embracing the shadow magic within the Ring, AKA Zorc Necrophades- not that he knows that).

How would they best be defeated?
Brooklime has almost no experience of fighting, but has very overpowered weapons. Any opponent with any level of skill or intelligence could easily defeat him, as long as they had their own magic. If they didn’t have magic, the Ring would be a serious threat.

Have they ever received any awards or honours?
Not really.

What have they done that was considered "outstanding" in their occupation by others in their field?

What are their long-term goals in work?
This falls under the category of ‘things to do with the future’, which means that Brooklime tries not to think about it. He has a vague idea that he wants to be an archaeologist, but he probably wouldn’t have any reason beyond ‘I like history’ and ‘my dad does it’ if asked why.

Describe any traumatic experiences in their present occupation that has affected them deeply in some way.
Assuming present occupation = Ring bearer, then just gaining the Ring was fairly traumatic. Brooklime may not have wanted Bakura possessing him, but killing him still left him with a lot of issues.

How do their relatives and friends view their present occupation?
His friends are sceptical. They even confronted Marik about whether Brooklime is actually the Ring Spirit (note that this was a last resort - they’re generally able to tell who’s in control of the body; they just were so confused by his actions that they considered possession as a possibility for a while). Obviously, this was not exactly conducive to whatever relationship Brooklime may have had left with the group.

Is there anything that they don't currently know how to do that they wish they could?
He really, really wants to be able to make the Ring do just about anything - even if he wouldn’t want to use it, he wants the option to be able to. Partially so as not to rely on Marik to defeat the Pharaoh, and partially to stop feeling like such a failure. So many other things can just be learnt through practise and hard work, but this doesn’t seem to be one of them, and that really irritates him.

Are they envious of others who can do such things in a good-natured way or are they sullen and morose about it?
Mostly embarrassed, though a little sullen (he tries to hide it).

What is their normal daily routine?
Wake up, get ready for school, go to school, work on saving the world (with Marik), homework (also with Marik), eat (sometimes with Marik), Ring practise, try to fix whatever bit of furniture was just mangled through Ring practise, brood, read, get ready for bed, go to bed, brood, dreamless sleep.

How do they feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason?
Marik is a major part of his routine. This makes it less like a routine and more like one constant interruption. Brooklime reacts with mild exasperation, some embarrassment and much weariness.

What are their hobbies?
Didn’t I already cover this? Art (various mediums), writing, reading, dueling, Monster World, generic games for handheld consoles, researching the supernatural and brooding.

What would they do if they had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse themselves?
This rarely happens (he’s a surprisingly deep sleeper), but if he did, he would probably just brood, read, and spend a ton of time considering phoning Marik and then deciding not to (repeatedly).

What do they do for relaxation?
This is basically what making miniatures is for. It’s something small and precise to obsess over, and it takes concentration, but not the kind that involves thinking too deeply - or at least, not in a way that makes him think about things he would rather not consider.

What things do they do for enjoyment?
See ‘hobbies’. He used to be out with his friends constantly, but he can’t do that anymore, which has led to a bit of a void in his day. He tries to fill it by being constructive, with the model and the Ring, but that tends to just devolve into moping around the apartment being miserable.

Do they like to dress up or down to relax?

Do they have a look or style? If so, describe it.

What do they normally wear in bed at home?
Pyjamas: blue, with cartoon ghosts.

Do they wear any identifiable jewellery?
Just the Ring on a silver chain. Though he owns and does not (yet) wear some real rings and bangles, which bear resemblance to the ones worn by a certain other Bakura. There are lots of small similarities like that - they're not necessarily evident on the surface, but with some digging...

Where do they normally put their weapons, magic items, or other valuables when they are sleeping?
The Ring stays around his neck, resting on the pillow next to him. It hasn’t strangled him in his sleep. Yet.

What morning or evening routines do they normally have?
Brooding features heavily.

What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives them the most enjoyment?
Probably either Monster World, or doodling. Depends on the situation - he has to be in the mood to interact, for Monster World, but just having a pen and paper and letting his mind wander allows for doodles.

What pastime (that they participate in regularly) gives them the least enjoyment?
Ring practise. His poor toaster.

Do they read the newspaper?

If so, which sections and how often?
He reads the local paper out of habit, if nothing else, and will read almost any mildly interesting column. With the national, he will scan the front page and then browse for any news even tangentially related to the Ishtars or to finds in Egypt. Marik disbanded the Rare Hunters, but Brooklime is at least smart enough to look for obvious signs that they’re still active, just in case that was a lie.

Travel: how do they get around locally?
Mostly walking, and if he’s really lucky, getting a ride on Marik’s bike (‘lucky’ means that this is a faster option, not a safer one…)

What is their idea of a good evening's entertainment?
It has been a very long time since he’s enjoyed himself (if he bothered to think about it, he would be surprised), but anything spent with friends is good. He’s the kind of person who would go see any movie or play any obscure game, and would still find it fun, even if he didn’t like the activity itself, just because everyone else did. He wouldn’t even have to interact with his friends very much to enjoy himself. He just likes listening to the banter and being part of a group.

Do they get seasick, airsick, motion sick (auto or animal)?
None of the above.

Do they like riding animals?
He’s never tried.

Any fears in travelling?
Not really. He quite likes heights, to the point of having a strange fixation, so even planes are okay with him.

What sorts of general belongings or equipment do they take when travelling?
The bare essentials, though he invariably manages to pack too much even when he tries to do that, and can never figure out why.

What are their hangout places?
Favourites used to be the game shop, the burger restaurant and sometimes his apartment. Now, he and Marik go for coffee in a local café after school, and they often just hang out at his apartment.

Do they go to a bar after work?
Doesn’t drink. Doesn’t work. So, no.

Do they play pool?
There was that one time Otogi tried to teach h- ahem. No.

Do they go dancing? Who goes with them?
lolno. There is no way he would be okay with that. Attention, noise, too many people, embarrassment…

What do they read? Scientific textbooks, historical novels, myths and legends, maps, cookbooks, romances, news magazines, science fiction, fantasy, horror, the newspaper, short stories?
Of the above: myths and legends, cookbooks, some sci-fi (specifically Philip K Dick psychological stuff), newspapers, horror (again, psychological) and less fantasy than magical realism. In fact, loads of magical realism and sci fi, both of which have to contain some amount of horror. He enjoys Haruki Murakami, especially some of the gorier scenes, and his favourite short story is "I have no mouth and I must scream".

In one of his more depressed moments, he put down the mind screwy horror in favour of really cheesy fantasy/romance and… may have found a new guilty pleasure.

What music do they like?
Not a big fan of music. I think I answered this question earlier? He probably like stuff ripped from games, but thinks of it as being too nerdy to constitute a real interest.

Do they have a favourite artist, band or bard?
Too bad he lives in 1996, or the Homestuck albums would be his go-to soundtrack. As it is, he just listens to plenty of different stuff, and not on a regular basis.

Will they listen to or sing the same songs over and over, or does it drive them nuts when people do that?
The same song over and over would start to grate on his nerves.

How do they exercise? Work out at the gym, walk in the morning, run marathons, play sports, couch potato?
Such a couch potato. Like, inveterate, hardcore, unrepentant couch potato. Like, ‘Marik is trying to get him to work out, but even he doesn’t have enough sway to make that happen’ couch potato.

Where do they live?
Domino City, Japan

Do they rent or own?

Apartment, house or castle?

How close are the neighbours?
Very. Fortunately, there are thick walls, or there might be complaints about the mysterious explosions coming from Brooklime's apartment.

Is it a good neighbourhood?
Fairly, if only because his father wouldn’t have him living elsewhere.

What colour is the house?
Dark brick and concrete and completely unappealing.

Which floor are they on?
I don’t believe I just looked this up, you sadistic meme- oh, look, I spy mild heartshipping subtext-

Anyway. Floor eight.

Do they have a lawn?

What about a flower garden?
See above.

Does their house have an attic or basement?

What does their furniture look like?
Second hand, but it’s in very clean and in good condition.

Do they buy antiques?

What are their walls covered with? Wallpaper, art, photos?
They’re painted rather than papered (off white), and there’s a framed photo of Brooklime and his father, but that’s about it. His walls back home are pretty blank, which led to some ‘interesting’ soul room interior design.

What sorts of curtains do they have? Frilly lacy ones, Venetian blinds, pull-down shades?
The same off white as the walls; plain.

Do they keep their house clean?
Very, though it can get cluttered, especially when he starts work on a big model. Fortunately, the 18th dynasty model is being made in the museum to avoid having to transport it piece by piece.

Is it dusty?

Is the bathtub mouldy or coated in rust?
He would get pretty OCD about that, so, no.

What do their desk or workspace look like? Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in drifts of books and papers? Neatly ordered and clean?
Medium sized; neat and ordered; liable to get cluttered at a moment’s notice.

Can they find what they're looking for when they need it?
Never. No matter how ordered it is, he has to rummage.

What colour are their sheets?
Pale green.

Satin or cotton?

Patterned with flowers, or covered with pictures of toy robots?
Just plain.

Do they cook their own dinners?
Mostly. But then, Marik never agrees to let him cook for the two of them - he always takes Brooklime out to incredibly expensive restaurants and pays for everything himself. He never lets Brooklime buy the cheapest thing on the menu, either.

Are they a good cook, a gourmet, or a terrible cook?
He’s pretty good. At any rate, he can follow a recipe, and it invariably turns out well.

Do they eat out?
See above.

Are they on a diet?

Where do they vacation, and how often?
Not at all, right now.

Do they have any pets?
No. He thought about getting a cat for quite a while, and would dearly love a snake or a lizard, but doesn’t trust himself to look after anything (though he would definitely be able to).

Do they keep a calendar or address book?
He keeps an address book in his room. It is very neat, and ordered alphabetically, but he always forgets to turn to the right page when he writes stuff in, so it is full of meticulously crossed out addresses rewritten in the correct places.

Where do they keep it?
In his room, on his desk.

Do they have a Will?
No. He probably should do. The mortality rate for Millennium Item owners is quite high.

What does it say?

What would they like to be remembered for after their death?
Saving the world, but then, he doesn’t expect anyone to know about that. So, probably just being a reasonably nice person. Not a good person, but one who tried to do the best they could under the circumstances.

What kind of threat do they present to the public?
Not that he knows it, but he’s currently wielding something possessed by an evil god. And he just killed the one person who was partially restraining its power over him. And he’s working with an ex-criminal mastermind to defeat the man meant to save the world.

The road to the shadow realm is paved with cream puffs and good intentions.

If their features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying their body?
Hate to answer almost every question with this, but the Ring is probably impervious to any non-magical attack, so it’s going to be that.

How much is a pint of mead?
He doesn’t drink.

As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...
"There’s no way you’re going to believe me if I tell you that you should’ve just trusted in Yugi, is there? In which case: do what you think is right, ignore any suspicious booming voices in your head and fer-the-love-of-every-god-in-every-pantheon-ever, you are not a horrible person! There is such a thing as battered host syndrome! Moreover, in the Dressing Room, stop inflicting your angst on Ring Spirits. They are not actually going to gasp in amazement and tell you that they have seen the error of their ways just because you yell at them. Even if they did, you would not have a response. That aside, you are great fun to play and I am far too overindulgent to give anyone a bad ending, so try to be happy. If only for a short while, before I flesh out your evil self and ruin your life again.”


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