Supermeme (2/3)

Dec 26, 2011 13:52

Do they have any close friends?
For a while, he had Yugi and co. and adored them unconditionally, something that was basically reciprocated. Once he gained control of the Ring and learned the ‘truth’ about the Pharaoh, he became far more distant. Yugi has tried to talk to him, but Brooklime’s not having it. He’s only close to Marik, and even that’s a slightly strained relationship, given how manipulative Marik can be (also, due to his inability to actually understand how friendship works - e.g. showering Brooklime with constant gifts in a vein attempt to win his trust and then threatening him with the Ring Spirit’s return).

If so, what are they like?
Yugi is actually getting kind of desperate about getting Brooklime away from Marik, though his concern is tinged with plenty of fear of Marik gaining the Ring. Brooklime doesn’t particularly blame him for this - in the circumstances, it’s perfectly justifiable to act selfishly - but at the same time, it’s hard not to feel a little hurt that Yugi cares more about the Items than him.

The rest of the group have echoes Yugi’s concerns, but are slightly more suspicious of Brooklime’s actions: no one on the Pharaoh’s side knows that Bakura is dead, so it could very well be the Ring Spirit in charge of the body.

Marik is likely complex enough to merit a character account of his own in the future (nickname ‘Bedlam’, y/y?). Whether he considers Brooklime an actual friend is ambiguous. In public, the two of them are incredibly close and pretty much the archetypal opposite personality’d (that’s now an adjective) best friends. This is much to the delight of all their mutual fans at school. But, it’s a completely different story in private. Whilst still apparently friends, Marik simply isn’t very good at understanding what that means. He alternates between bribes, emotional blackmail and the occasional threat to keep Brooklime on his side - he’s rather concerned that he’ll lose the Ring if he doesn’t. In a sense, he treats Brooklime as much like one of his mind slaves as anything else. For his part, Brooklime trusts Marik to a certain extent. He really does view him as well-intentioned, and a friend. He won’t hear a word against Marik from anyone else, but if Marik did allow him to talk about Battle City (he doesn’t), there would be some issues to hash out. Also, Brooklime isn’t quite ready to hand over the Ring. Call it paranoia, but...

What is the history of their relationship(s) with them?
Brooklime met Yugi etc. when he transferred to Domino High. They became fast friends during the Memory World game.

As to Marik’s timing: he met Bakura first, and the meeting on the pier went the same as in the manga, complete with death threats and stabbing. However, Marik realised that Bakura would be far more difficult to keep in check than his host. So, when Brooklime was bleeding to death, he woke him up, used the Rod to eliminate his pain and told him everything that had happened - including what the initial plan to gain Yugi’s trust had been. He said that he had not realised that the body didn’t belong to Bakura, and promptly asked Brooklime to explain exactly how the Ring Spirit related to the Ring, and whether the powers of the Ring originated from the Spirit. He then set about gaining Brooklime’s trust, including taking him to hospital. Whilst Brooklime was asleep, a rather irritated Ring Spirit confronted him in his mind… only to find a carefully laid trap in his soul room, set with the power of the Ring itself. Once Brooklime killed Bakura, Marik explained his version of the truth and about the murder of his father. By this point, Brooklime was completely won over to his cause.

Do they currently have a best friend whom they would protect with their reputation or their life?
Marik probably counts, though Brooklime is unlikely to sacrifice his life anymore. Ironically, that’s because he doesn’t want the Ring going straight to Marik if he dies…

If so, who are they and what caused them to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for them to end this relationship?
See above. Brooklime is close to Marik because Marik saved him, and without him, the world would be in danger from the Pharaoh. To end the relationship, Brooklime would have to work out that Marik is lying, and then to actually accept that Marik is lying. Which is unlikely to happen.

Do they have any bitter enemies?
In Brooklime’s universe, Bakura is dead. There goes one bitter enemy. Problem is, in the DR, there are about a zillion Bakurae hanging around, just waiting to troll him. The only one he really detests is Yami Amane (and maybe Canis, though that’s slowly changing). Other than that, the Pharaoh, though it’s a fairly one-sided enmity so far. If Yami Yugi decides that it’s definitely the ‘other Bakura’ in control of Brooklime’s body, things might get a little more interesting.

How might these enemies seek to discomfit them in the future?
Existing? No, really. Canis won major ‘people Brooklime would have no problem murdering all over again’ points for being in the same room as Nelumbo, never mind talking to him.

Really, though, enemies looking to discomfit can do one of two things: 1) target someone Brooklime cares about. Threats to himself are a given, but he’s lost enough friends to be hell-bent on protecting any that he has left. 2) Mess with his mind (literally). Brooklime has issues with his own soul room, and trapping him there or even entering without permission will do far more than just discomfit. Magic-users take note!

What valuable or important contacts do they have?
In his world, Marik probably constitutes a valuable contact. In the DR, Brooklime is on friendly terms with Yume (who wields a very sharp sword in people’s brains), a dragon and a Sherlock-esque detective. Pretty good going, no?

How did they come to know them?
Marik - see above.
Yume - introduced via Sakura. She went into Brooklime’s soulroom to seal off the Ring’s - or rather, Zorc Necrophade’s - influence, and unlocked Brooklime’s ka in the process.
Sakura - met Brooklime out clothes shopping. Was insightful.

Which person(s) or group(s) are they most loyal to?
Heh. ‘Loyal’. Please. He might act it - defending Marik’s actions, giving his life for his friends in the Monster World game, etc. - but in practise, despite all his values, Brooklime has been swapping sides fairly consistently. If he were actually as loyal to Marik as he says he is, he would hand over the Ring. If he were actually as loyal to Yugi as he wants to be, he would try to verify what Marik told him, rather than believing it on instinct. So, though Brooklime may be loyal for short periods of time, he is liable to backstab anyone the moment he learns that they are apparently in the wrong, and thus not worthy of his loyalty. Note that he wouldn’t see it that way at all, and does in fact develop strong bonds to people - he’s just surprisingly quick to abandon them.

List any past serious relationships that they have had, and give a brief overview of the relationship(s).
I’m assuming this isn’t referring to anything platonic? He’s a naïve teen with not a single past relationship. And no future ones, given his mun’s aversion to writing romance. Sorry, Brooklime.

How do they think others generally perceive them?
He’s probably paranoid that people hate him. Which, given his history of turning on his friends without explaining why (not that he didn’t have good reason), is fairly justified. He is painfully self-aware of this. He is also afraid that Marik thinks that he is incompetent.

If someone crossed their path, what would they do?
Let them by. And probably apologise for blocking the way.

Who is their most trusted ally?
He’s a little short on trust, and it depends on what he’s trusting in. He trusts in Marik to defeat the Pharaoh - but is slightly doubtful about his ability to do so without any collateral damage, though he would never say it. He trusts in Yugi, but is well aware that the longer he stays on Marik’s side, the less that is reciprocated. And he doesn’t trust Yugi not to talk to the Pharaoh about anything said to him - which is one of the reasons that Brooklime hasn’t told him about the events of Battle City: he doesn’t want to give anything away to the enemy.

Currently, Marik.

Who do they trust, in general?
Not very many people. Though, when he’s desperate - that’s a different story. He allowed Marik into his head to show him how to defeat Bakura, because he was scared of what Bakura would do to him. He also allowed Yume access to his soul room, because the alternative was to allow the dark power in the Ring to slowly take over. He had only just met both these people. This is part of his gullibility: if the argument is superficially convincing, he’ll go along with anything that he sees as being for his own good, or for the good of someone he cares about. He can be quite naïve.

Who do they despise and why?
The Ring Spirit. He’s never gone into much detail, beyond canon, of what the Ring Spirit actually did - all that’s evident so far is the stab wounds, and that he spent some time locked in his soul room. Recently, exposure to Nelumbo and Canis has caused him to start rethinking the indiscriminate loathing, but he can’t really give up on hating someone so much, so quickly, especially not when he needs the mental justifications to avoid feeling even more guilty than he already does.

Name several things they hate in others.
He dislikes cruelty, actions with no justification and people willing to inflict pain on others. More specifically: liars, murderers and thieves. Note that he sees himself as being/ capable of all of the above.

Is their image consistent?
He went from quiet and shy to rather distant and bad-tempered after Battle City. Marik’s influence is for the worse, really. He can also act very inconsistently around different people, though this is less due to inconsistency than because he allows some people to see more of his thoughts than others.

Do different people see them in similar ways?
Definitely not. He’ll go from sweet-natured and dorky with his friends, to bitter, sarcastic and occasionally terrified with his enemies, to driven and obsessed with Marik (dual meaning very much intended).

Do they deliberately present themselves differently in different situations, and how?
When he and Marik are in public and in ‘best friends’ mode, he makes an effort to keep that relationship working and real. After all, he does miss having someone to talk to and hang around with. In private, he’ll try to hide his worries and appear as competent as possible, because otherwise Marik will see him as weak. He’ll act very deferential in both situations. Around his enemies, he’ll try to come off as far more confident than he actually is - though, at the first sign of aggression, the mask will break and he’ll quail.

What would they die for?
Not much, though he might claim that he would. He would probably die to ‘save’ Yugi and friends again.

Who would they go to extremes for?
Marik and his old friends - he already has done, really. In the DR, he would probably go to extremes for Nelumbo or Amane, but not die for them.

Who do they turn to when they're in trouble?
Marik Marik Marik Marik Marik. And then he frets that he’ll see him as a nuisance for asking for help…

What is the worst thing someone has done to them?
Between the whole continued physical and emotional abuse thing, and the merciless manipulation which turned him against the friends he loved and cared for, Bakura and Marik have a nice tie for ‘Jerkass of the year’ going on.

What is their general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets them know they are available?
Flail and awkward, if it’s noticed.

How do they get along with others in the same field and/or work environment?
Let’s interpret this to mean ‘school’. In Brooklime’s ‘verse, Marik has come to attend Domino High in order to continue his and Yami Yugi’s shadow magic-laden cold war of glares and death threats. Moreover, Marik is an attractive foreigner who spends all his time with the ever-popular Ryou Bakura, something that the school’s fan club has noticed (yes, Domino High angstships). That’s at least seven forms of awkward, total.

How can they be blackmailed, beaten, and tricked (by PCs or NPCs)?
If you’ve bothered to read any of the above, it should be fairly obvious. He is more easily tricked than a very trickable thing, and the mere mention of Bakura being alive is enough to make him do anything.

Have they lost any loves?
He’s lost friends, but then, that’s not what the question was angling for.

How did they handle the situation (short & long term)?
Losing his friends meant losing the only people he could confide in, just as he began to need to confide. Like, really badly need to confide. He hasn’t handled it well, if the uncontrollable telekinesis is anything to go by.

Who would miss them should they go missing?
Marik would be kind of irritated at losing the crux of the Memory World plan, but would be unlikely to miss Brooklime himself. Yami Yugi, Yugi and everyone else would be preoccupied blaming Marik, and the final shadow game would probably be triggered very early on.

Who might protect them?
Marik has never been in the position to decide what circumstances would lead to his protecting Brooklime, and neither have the other side. Really, all will be revealed during the Memory World game, which hasn’t happened yet.

Who might be convinced to sell them out?
Surprisingly, no one. Not even Marik. With the Millennium Items split between two armed camps, selling out a tame Ring wielder is a really, really bad idea.

How close are they to their friends?
See everything above. Really, this is too complex a question to answer on its own.

What do they know about them?
Yugi and co. thought they knew him pretty well, prior to the whole ‘running off with Marik’, thing… Now, they don’t even know about what happened to Bakura, and have no idea that he is dead. Marik would probably like to think he knows what makes Brooklime tick, but just the fact that he’s threatening him to get him to stay probably shows how untrue that is. All he would have to do is show a little empathy, and Brooklime would do anything for him.

What do they not know about them?
See above.

Do they live with anyone (housemates, roommates, relatives, friends, near-strangers, family friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover)?
Back home, he lives alone (though Marik visits constantly). In the DR, his roommate is a little Thief King, towards whom he is ambivalent- and incredibly overprotective.

Are they a member of any special interest groups?
Whuh? The “Let’s All Murder the Pharaoh” group?

What is their level of involvement?
Well, I think he’s deeply involved in that last one.

What is their current status with local law-enforcement?
Law-enforcement? In YuGiOh? Please.

Do they have a record of cooperation or non-cooperation with authorities?

Do they have a file with local, national or international law enforcement?

Do they, or did they, have any role models?
He’s always hero-worshipped Yugi, to a certain extent. After all, the guy’s better at games, better at interpersonal relationships, has a better spirit in his Millennium Item… What else is important, around here? Naturally, that last one is no longer subject to the same kind of envy it was once. Marik is now somewhat idolised, but as more of a leader than anything else, and Brooklime doesn’t appreciate some of the things that he’s done in the past (he doesn’t know much of what Marik’s involvement with the Rare Hunters entailed, but he isn’t stupid). It’s still Yugi who he admires the most.

Do they have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend?
See above.

If so, have they ever met them?

Did they ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?
Again, see above - Yami Yugi has never really been the same, since the whole “he murdered my father and wants shadow power and he’s a Pharaoh and stuff!” spiel from Marik.

Do they have any dreams or ambitions?
He wants to kill the Pharaoh, of course! But that’s not how he sees it. He sees it as protecting his friends and putting the Items to rest.

If not, why?

What are their short term goals (what would they like to be doing within a year)?
Well, he’d like to kill the Pharaoh *really soon*. Feeding into that is making the Memory World model.

What are their long term goals (what would they like to be doing twenty years from now)?
He can’t really think in the long term. When he tries, he just keeps on coming back to the fact that, upon saving the world, he will have to face up to everything he’s done. Which will, at that point, involve two murders and the abandonment of every single one of his friends.

Oh, but, DR only, he would like Nelumbo to not be a Ring Spirit in three thousand years! (Which stretches the definition of ‘long term’ somewhat.)

If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with their dreams, how do they reconcile the differences?
They aren’t, fortunately. He doesn’t need even more angst… Though, he doesn’t much linger on the fact that killing the Pharaoh will mean betraying Yugi.

How do they seek to fulfil these dreams, goals, & ambitions?
Making that model, learning to control the Ring and overcoming his emotional turmoil (or rather, REPRESSING EVERYTHING).

Do they have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them?
I think I filled in a meme on this. He has a fear of just about everything, and Bakura is the root of almost all of it. The only ones that affect him a lot are the fear of sharp objects, his claustrophobia, the discomfort with large open spaces and dislike of physical contact (he will flinch away from hugs unless circumstances are extenuating). The first is rational; the claustrophobia is due to being stuck in his soul room; he doesn’t like open spaces for the same reason he doesn’t like standing out in a crowd; physical contact is fairly irrational.

How do they react when this fear manifests itself?
Fear in general-
Stage one: shock, horror and incoherence.
Stage two: anger, bitterness, lashing out at anyone tangentially related to whatever is scaring him. Sometimes reverts to stage one.
Stage three: attacking whatever’s scaring him. This may still involve using the Ring, especially in his own world, where its power is completely unrestricted.

Are they willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?
He would really like to discuss it all with Marik or Yugi. Yugi has Brooklime’s enemy in his head; Marik can barely comprehend why he would feel the way he does, and doesn’t see it as relevant.

What are their attitudes regarding material wealth?
He needs enough money to survive, but other than that, books, games and craft materials are all he wants - stuff to pass the time. He’s fairly sensible, and doesn’t generally indulge himself in expensive things (Marik does, resulting in awkward, rather than the anticipated undying loyalty).

Are they miserly with their share of the wealth, or do they spend it freely?
Something in between. Still not a major thing for him - Marik turns it into one.

Are they greedy or generous?
Again, something in between.

Do they see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?
It can be a mark of success - for instance, he’s seen just how wealthy Marik is, and why - but for Brooklime himself, it’s just a means to an end.

How do they generally treat others?
Generally, he’s polite, if distant. But, once he does form an opinion, it’s difficult to change, and he can be bizarrely naïve and gullible when it comes to those opinions, leading to him being perfectly friendly and happy around people he really shouldn’t trust (hello, Marik).

Do they trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?
It’s complex (that is now my catchphrase). He is generally distrustful, but can be quick to trust if given a motive. He trusts people on several different points: he trusts Marik to win against the Pharaoh, but not to save Yugi in the process if doing so would be very difficult - that’s Brooklime’s job. Despite this, he’s inclined to judge people overall as trustworthy or untrustworthy, even if he’s been exposed to certain traits that would indicate otherwise. Basically, there are some very easy ways to get him to trust you, and his views will rarely change once he has decided on them.

This extends to doubles, by the way. All Marlicks are immediately trustworthy angels (despite his many of his actual worries about his Marik), whilst Ring Spirits and Thief Kings are chaotic evil forever.

Are they introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?

Are they a humble soul or blusteringly proud?

Do they act differently than they feel (concealing their true thoughts)?
Yes. Just… yes. He has to, because Marik sees any display of emotion as a sign of weakness, and also because there are some things too painful to express to anyone.

What habits would they find most annoying in friends?
Bringing up difficult topics. Conversely, refusing to talk about difficult topics. Really, he just wants to be able to talk about things when he wants to, not when forced.

Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which they are strongly prejudiced, and why?
Criminals and ex-criminals. Which is kind of funny, given he works with Marik. He’s also got a general dislike of Bakurae (ones that aren’t of the small fluffy variety) for much the same reason.

How do others typically react to them?
Depends. If he’s in quiet, polite mode, then they’ll react to that as people generally do - by being polite, usually, or else being annoyed by the politeness. If he’s overly hostile, then it’s invariably reciprocated.

Why, in their opinion, do they act that way?
It’s just how people act so as not to be rude, in the first case. In the second, he’s hostile because that person has done something to anger him, in which case, they were likely to dislike him anyway.

What are their most annoying habits?
Fiddling with the Ring probably gets really, really annoying during conversation. Otherwise, it’s being a pushover and striving to please whoever has taken charge of the situation.

What is their favourite food?
Cream puffs~!

What is their favourite drink?
He really likes black coffee. Incredibly bitter, strong black coffee. Which tastes great with chocolate.

What is their favourite treat (dessert)?
Still the creampuffs! He also quite likes chocolate covered coffee beans.

Do they favour a particular cuisine?
Few preferences. If it’s food, he’ll eat it (though he prefers meat to seafood, generally).

Do they savour the tastes when eating or "wolf down" their food?
Wolf, definitely. That is, when he does eat (he often doesn’t - he can go for long periods of not being hungry at all, and then stuffing himself).

Do they like food mild or heavily spiced?
Kind of really likes spices, but isn’t brave enough to cook with them.

Are there any specific foodstuffs that they find disgusting or refuse to eat?
Oysters. Blurgh. Like fish, but the texture’s worse.

Are they allergic to any food?

What are their favourite colour(s)?
Blue-grey and slate grey.

Is there any colour that they dislike?
Bright red, pink, yellow or orange (but especially red) - he doesn’t like warm colours that are harsh or saturated.

Do they have a favourite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument?
He’s not much into music, though game and anime soundtracks spring to mind as something he might enjoy.

What is their favourite song?
Again, not much into music.

If they have a favourite scent, what is it?
That generic city smell of cigarette smoke and dirt after rain. It isn’t particularly pleasant, but it’s comforting and familiar.

What is their favourite type of animal?
Anything creepy and adorable, like bats, cats, snakes and cockroaches. He was very upset when giant African land snails turned out to be illegal in Japan.

Do they have an animal totem or affinity, and if so for what?
See above, but his favourite animal is probably a snake.

Is there a certain type of animal that they hate or fear?
Just be glad he never found out about Diabound.

Are they allergic to any kinds of animals?

Do they have any allergies?

Is there anything that enrages them?
Cruelty, violence and theft. Hurting people Brooklime cares about is just asking to be Ring’d. Another he hates is stealing, and he only put up with Nelumbo’s in the DR because of his past, and because he is twelve.

Is there anything which embarrasses them?
Being seen as impolite, or stupid. Looking foolish. His and Marik’s fan club.

How do they react to being teased about it?
By getting very flustered, but he won’t retaliate at all unless it’s someone he really doesn’t like doing the teasing.

Do they enjoy "roughing it", or do they prefer their creature comforts?
He likes his creature comforts.

Do they believe in the gods?
Not really, though it seems that the Egyptian Gods might be quite real. If he does believe in Gods, it isn’t in a worshipping sense - they are merely powerful beings. Marik has made him a bit of a distheist, though.

Do they have a patron deity?

Are they devout or impious?

Do they actively worship and proselytize or do they simply pay lip service?

What lengths would they go to defend their faith?

Was their faith influenced or molded by anyone special?
Again, Marik has made him a bit more of a distheist than he was.

How has this impacted their faith and life?
Very little. Overall, Marik has made him mildly more assertive, which could be linked to a dislike of authority.

Is their church an accepted religion where they grew up or did it have to conduct its services in secret?

How did this affect their faith and life?

Have they ever been persecuted for their faith?

If so, when and how did they handle it?

Can they kill?
Oh, yes. Maybe not many people, but if given a good cause, he’s proven himself quite capable, and is even planning to kill again soon.

When did they decide (or learn) that they could?
The moment Marik suggested getting rid of Bakura for good - and it really was just a suggestion; there was no coercion involved. The idea may have been Marik’s, but it only took the knowledge of how to do so to make Brooklime decide he was ready to kill someone. And when he did, it seemed so obvious a thing to do, that he was almost surprised he hadn’t taken the initiative earlier.

What happened and how did they handle it?
He refuses to tell anyone the specifics, but then, no one has ever asked. Marik showed him how to travel freely around his soul room, and how to start using the Ring’s power. Brooklime worked out the rest, and he was the only one to carry out the deed itself. Bakura was killed in Brooklime’s soul room. Afterwards, there was a period of utter elation and freedom, and then the stark realisation that he had murdered someone. But, by then, it was the middle of Battle City, and he was far too preoccupied to reflect on it all very much. Marik made sure of that.

When do they consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)?
When killing is a way to save lives, or to protect himself from death. He generally applies these rules to other's actions, too.

When do they consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)?
Anything else is pure evil, to him. He can be a bit of a hypocrite - other people killing, even for self-defence, troubles him, though it may still fall under the ‘acceptable’ guidelines detailed above.

What would they do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under their "wrong" circumstances, what would be their reaction?
One of the few times instinct would take over, and he might manage to initiate a Shadow Game. if not, the Ring or Temperance (his ka) would be sufficient for retribution. He probably wouldn’t kill, but he might be furious enough even for that (he’d be very, very broken afterwards if this did happen).

Of course, if he was really shocked, especially if it were a friend doing the killing, it’s entirely possible that he might just run.

What if it were their enemy?
He’s out to kill his current living enemy, back home. In the DR, that would be a Bakura, and he has proved himself capable of killing them already. One being killed would make very little difference to him - he would react to it as an ‘acceptable’ death. An enemy killing someone, on the other hand, would cause the fury described above.

What if it were their friend?
The utter horror would be limitless, if it were a friend being killed or killing. Then again, for killing, Marik has already done that, not that Brooklime’s particularly aware… At any rate, that relationship would definitely end.

What if it were an innocent?
Being killed, or killing? Either way, his reaction’s the same, under the ‘wrong’ circumstances.

What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)?
Attack the one in control. He would never blame anyone who was manipulated or possessed, or killing to defend their own life. Again, it might trouble him, but overall, if he believed that were the reasoning, he would condone it. He might not believe it.

What would they do if someone shot at (attacked) them?
Temperance and the Ring would protect him (hopefully). He would probably fight back, but focus on defence, rather than offence, unless he was very angry.

What would they do if something were stolen from them?
Go to the police, if it was valuable. If it was the Ring, be terrified, be furious and then go take it back with Temperance as a weapon.

What would they do if they were badly insulted publicly?
Be mortified. He wouldn’t fight back, depending on who insulted him - if it’s someone he regards as an equal or more powerful than him, he’ll just take it.

What would they do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death?
He’s big on vengeance. He wouldn’t want to purposefully kill the perpetrator, but if he’s very angry, he might waive that principle.

What is the one task they would absolutely refuse to do?
Torture anyone.

What do they consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?
Killing and/or torture out of cruelty.

How do they feel about government (rulers) in general?
Since meeting Marik, he’s liked authority a little less (though, not authority over him, personally - he still defers to anyone he thinks is in charge of a situation). But he’s never had much of a reason to be involved in politics.

Why do they feel that way?
Because, sadly, many people don’t have a reason to be involved in politics. Also, for the first part, Marik shows plenty of derision for authority (especially authority that isn’t Marik…) which has rubbed off on Brooklime.

Do they support the current government of their homeland?
Fairly thoughtless about this.

If so, how far are they willing to go to defend the government? If not, do they actively oppose it?

Do they belong to an anti-government organization?
No, but now I need a muse like this. Damn. Why does my sister have the monopoly on revolutionary socialist Mariks, anyway?

If so, describe the group and its aims.

What form of government do they believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?
Democracy- reasons are the one purported by modern society, really.

Have they ever been persecuted for their political stance?

If so, describe the occurrence and how it affected them?

Are they a member of any non-religious group, cause, order, or organization?

If so describe it, its goals, and membership.

How loyal are they to this group and why?
Ohfortheloveof N/A

How did they become a member?

If they are a former member, did they leave voluntarily or involuntarily and why?

Was it under good (amicable) conditions or bad?
In a minute, I’m abandoning this meme in favour of making (another) revolutionary socialist Marik, I really am.

Are they being sought or hunted by the organization?

If so, by whom and with what intent (to murder them, to force their return through blackmail or coercion, to spy on they and make sure they do not reveal any of the groups secrets)?

Do they have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others?
Generally, he attempts to come off as pretty harmless and mundane.

If so, describe them and how they acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them.
Though, it’s pretty apparent to everyone that he’s obsessed with Marik and defeating the Pharaoh, which is even more noticeable when those topics are brought up. Also, the merest mention of a Ring Spirit usually educes some kind of noticeable reaction. He’s twitchy.

How do they react if made fun of for any of these things?
No one’s ever tried. The principles behind the Marik-obsession have been questioned before, if not made fun of, and he was very defensive.

Do they have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?
Fiddling with the Ring, and speechlessness or babbling when scared.

If so, are there any reasons behind them from their past?
The speechlessness has no discernable reason - it’s just how he acts under pressure, and it started around Battle City. The nervous fiddling with the Ring comes from wearing an incredibly powerful mystical object that is both tormentor and protector, meaning that he becomes especially aware of it when upset.

Do they have an unusual gait or accent?

If so, where did they acquire them?

Are there any circumstances where they become more (or less) evident?

What place would they most like to visit?
Egypt would be really cool to visit - to actually go on a dig site with his dad would be awesome and, come to think of it, he would probably also like to visit with Marik. Given one of his goals is now to put the Items to rest, this is looking reasonably likely as an outcome.

What (if any) are their favourite forms of art?
He still makes miniatures, paints and draws. He also loves writing and reading, though he is better at telling stories than getting them down on paper.

What is their most treasured possession?
The Ring, for a certain value of ‘treasured’. He sees wielding it as an immensely important responsibility.

What things could he/ she not live without?
Hm… he’s getting pretty good at having his world torn from under him. But he needs his friends, no matter what happens. Some contact with people is always necessary for Brooklime - he goes depressed and paranoid without.

Do they have a good luck charm?

If their life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would they do in those remaining hours?
That’d be a pretty bleak 24 hours, because if he died, the Ring would go to someone with no protection from it. He would have to give it to one side or the other, and he still isn’t sure if he can trust Marik completely. Ignoring all this:

1) Eat all his favourite food. No more worries about too much sugar.
2) Make something nice for everyone he likes, or maybe write something to them, even if it’s just a short note - something to remember him by.
3) Deliver each item, and use that time to talk to his old friends properly for the first time since Battle City.
4) Make up his mind who to give the Ring to, and give it away (this would probably take the majority of his twenty-four hours). Whoever received it would also get a full, face-to-face account of everything Brooklime’s done leading up to, involving and after killing Bakura. It’s always good to prepare people.
5) Die somewhere nice. Maybe a place up high with a view of the entirety of Domino City. He wouldn’t tell anyone what was happening, partially to avoid causing people grief, and partially to avoid all-out war over the Ring.

Do they have a "Black-and-White" view of reality or can they see shades of grey?
Enough grey to be willing to work with someone who originally sided with Bakura and ran a criminal organisation, and for him to see Bakura’s murder as justified. But he can still be surprisingly black and white if necessary.

Do they prefer to tear down or build up?
He would prefer to build up, but he only ever seems to be tearing.

Are they deliberate or spontaneous?
Mostly spontaneous, though certain things (like lies, or building the Memory World model) require planning.

Do they prefer the town or the country?
Town, definitely.

If made to decide, would they rather be deaf or blind? Why?
Deaf. Whilst being blind wouldn’t really be darkness, it would be too close for comfort. Besides, he would be incredibly nervous and twitchy if he couldn’t see potential threats.

How do they feel about magic, myth, and the supernatural?
GHOSTS SQUEE. Ahem. But yeah, he still has a creepy fixation on creepiness. Despite this, he is currently feeling rather disillusioned by the supernatural, because nothing other than shadow magic seem to have ay basis in reality. Shadow magic is far too real for comfort, and always seems to be used for evil.

Do they remember their dreams?
He does not typically dream, but when he does, he always has particularly terrifying nightmares.

Describe a typical dream they might have.
Being chased along an endless corridor that looks suspiciously like an elongated version of the empty white room in his soul, by a disembodied voice similar to his own. Claws will sink into his back, and he will wake up to a pathetic tingling sensation rather than actual pain.

Describe their worst nightmares.

guilty angsty guilty stuff, meme

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