Viva La Vida!

Jan 01, 2009 18:24

Have you seen this child?

One score, and seven years ago this photo was taken of me. I look so happy and healthy like a baby ought to be! Growing up I had so many dreams and fantasies about what it will be like when I get older. I thought I could be anything, like everyone says. Its crazy how life takes it's turns.

As I mentioned last week, 2009 will be a little bit different for me. I've got the same shitty job as before but this year I'm not going to be putting up with much from anyone. That includes myself. All these years I've spent afraid of whatever it is will have to move aside. I'm finding out that life is a process, much like a math problem. When you put different numbers into an equation you will get different results. Sometimes you even get an error, or two. I've committed my 2009 to building on the last year of progress. Money will not be an issue this year, even with the new car I got last year eating up 52% of my monthly income.

Every picture that is taken of me since the start of 2008, I've looked so tired. I used to avoid taking pictures because of my double chin, but now I don't mind it as much because my eyes look like I have not slept in a week, every day. I can have 4 chins but I'm more embarrassed that I look like I'm in my 40s rather than my 20s. That baby picture of me is where I want to be again. No, not 6 months old! I want to be a happy face again. I have a miserable soul that needs nourishment. Rome was not built in a day, neither was Paris. I will figure it all out over the course of this year, I hope.

This year I am going to laugh a little more. I am going to get outside and enjoy the blue jays and seabreezes a lot more than before. I will watch a whole lot less TV and get inspired with photography again. Art is a tremendous thing this world has to offer, and it is an incredible blessing when you can contribute to it in any way. I'm going to do more hand-made gifts and cards because they make me smile when they're finished. My apartment is going to be decorated to enliven our spirit when we come through the door after a long day in an unfriendly world. I am going to make more dinners and make a plate for my neighbor next door who is incredibly lonely.

I am going to live my life, for all it's worth. Starting today. When you feel good, you look good. When you do good, you make good. And, as long as the good is all around you all things are possible.

2009 will be better than last year! I know it already! Viva la vida!


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