Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA: Day 3

Sep 29, 2009 18:00

Philadelphia is great, buuuut there is definitely a bad side of town and I am really good at finding it.

Quote of the evening "Nah man, heroin is waaaay better than cocaine. You can get high for 3 daaaaays on that shit". These dudes were right behind me and followed me for about 3 blocks. Now these weren't 3 straight blocks, they were zigzag ones. Fortunately after that lovely proverb was uttered, I made a b-line for people. Lots of people. Had I continued on that course I would have entered Hi, I Am A Stupid White Girl From California, Please Mug Me Land. Now normally I am not easily scared and, while I am cautious, I am not afraid to be a woman walking alone anywhere. Tonight, all I wanted to do was pick up my takeout chinese, buy a bottle of vodka, and not get muged in the process.

So, while I may not be experiencing Philadelphia in its entirety, I have no qualms about sitting in my hotel room, watching the city from 23 stories up.

travel, work

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