Here's a magical garbage can along the Enchanted Highway.
Frolicking metal deer? Also, see if you can find Ian. He's like Waldo only less stripey.
We didn't get very far along the enchanted highway, but this giant metal geese thing was really cool.
The only stop we really made on the way to the west coast was in Billings Montana where we stopped at a giant old house called the Moss Mansion where they charge you to walk around and don't let you take pictures. Then we had mongolian bbq.
I wanted to steal a plant from the mansion, but Ian is guiding moral influence.
I really enjoyed Idaho, mostly because after the neverending expanse of Montana, it felt really short. This is where we had breakfast with a miner named Barry who used to be a lumberjack but the fucking environmentalists took his job away. He's a 45 year old guy who's kind of dating a 24 year old girl, because good women are hard to find in Kellog Idaho.
This was on a mountain pass shortly before we got to Seattle. Evidently the week before the entire building was still buried in snow.
And these drifts were 5 feet higher.
I had the honor of getting the highest mpg that Ian's car has ever accomplished. It helps that I was coasting down a mountain for most of it.
Space needley!
I got a little woozy feeling up on the needle, not because the heights were terribly frightening, but because the needle moves a lot. The worst of it was in the bathroom where, reasonably, there are no windows.
Ian believes in girl power, whatever end of the continent he might be on.
French fries?
This is the Experience Music project/Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame. Believe it or not, we never made it inside because everything closes at like 5PM in Seattle.
I know karate.
I found this confusing.
And this, amusingly inappropriate.
This was the outside of a bar behind our hotel. I want to make all of my walls look like this.
They assure you, they're still open during construction.
I am not subtle.
Ian, also, not so subtle.
I sent out 43 postcards while we were on vacation. That is, if that lady at the truck stop ever mailed the ones from her house.
Pikes Place was super fun.
Though somewhat disgusting.
We found the fish throwers, but didn't see a lot of fish throwing. I so wanted to catch this mid-air.
They have a string attached to this to scare children and unsuspecting tourists who like to take pictures of everything.
This woman sold me a pretty bowl and suggested her Minneapolitan brother when "it's time" for me to find a good obstetrician.
There was lots of great art at Pike's Place. we had trouble not buying a hideous amount of crap.
We did get this beautiful metal tree.
And Ian got a piggy bank from a girl wrapped in snoopy sheets.
I think the people that own this place encourage people to stick their gum on their building. I asked Ian "why would they do this?" and he said "It's a theater." Since when have the arts involved such bacterial cross contamination?
This is a future robot toilet that talks and allows you ten minutes for whatever you're doing before it opens the doors on you. It happened to be broken and wouldn't open for us, but we could hear it talking from the outside. I imagine a dead hooker was wedging the door closed or something.
Super man is all swirly.
We took the underground tour, which was quite enjoyable.
When I took the tour about 13 years ago it was longer and more connected. I guess the buildings have been less willing to lease the space to the tour company. Regardless, we saw lots of neat things and learned all about how Seattle was built on prostitution.
Baby got back.
Ian located the utilikilt headquarters with his "hates underwear" radar and spent a few hours picking out the perfect man-skirt.
He ended up buying it from this very nice guy who had the exact same shoes as he does.
This is the crazy giant library in Seattle.
Built and run by robots.
The fourth floor is all plastic and red and can only be reached by entering a 7 digit code using the elevator buttons.
I'm a show off.
This old poster was on a travel agency in chinatown. Mickey has never been so creepy.
Hand shaved wheatgrass noodles! tasty!
Stephen Elliott from high school lives in Seattle now and is currently in the navy. He kindly trucked his way into town with his lovely fiance for dinner after multiple days underwater.
I was having weird inner-ear problems, but the food and company were grand.
They then took us to get espresso so we could make the 2.5 hour drive into Portland without dying of sleep.
There was some good vandalism on this trip.
Our first day in Portland we spent the morning at a giant bookstore that spans like 2 city blocks. My ears still hurt.
Pain could never keep me from buying books.
Then we went to the beautiful Chinese Gardens.
An infusion of pretty.
Our tiny and adorable Chinese tour guide was very knowledgeable.
Then it was off to the zoo where they keep magical goats.
And dead bears.
And Ians.
Trout or Salmon? You decide.
This otter rolled around chewing on its fingers in a disgustingly cute manner.
I really loved these monkeys. This one was angry at me.
I would be angry too if I didn't have the rainbow butt in the family.
If you can't tell, I really like animals.
Did you know bats have to hang right side up to crap? Makes sense if you think about it.
Some of the animals, they just let them run around wherever.
I'm totally bigger than a Sun Bear.
Rogue Brewery in Portland.
It's funny until you really have to go.
Citizens of Beer Country!
Silly people, don't they know wine doesn't have to be pretty?
This is Ian's friend Eric, the person we stayed with in Portland. No one remembers what they were making quotes about. I think it had something to do with Ian's crotch.
This, on the other hand, was just us mocking how Ian had to hold his hand while taking the pictures as to not cover up the flash accidentally. Nothing to do with crotch.
The next day Eric took us up Mount Tabor for a hike.
Then to a crazy antique/retro store with a snaggle tooth mascot.
He liked Ian's legs.
Then there was firey coffee booze.
My ears still hurt.
This was my favorite place for breakfast in Portland. It was named Beaterville and was filled with old car parts and tables from the 50's. I made Ian go twice.
We met up with Ian's Mankato friend Lee Westin and his family in Eugene.
Funny thing was, they didn't live in Eugene as previously thought, but 2 hours south, so they took their baby on her first road trip to come see us.
Ian said she looked a little like Richard Nixon.
I have no idea what you're talking about so here's a picture of me with a vegan peanut butter cookie on my head.
We planned on crashing with my fake cousins Jason and Erin, but Jason was full of energy when we arrived and took us on a bike ride into downtown Eugene.
It was approximately 1:30AM CST when we hopped on the bikes.
We happened upon a block party. Well, a corner party sort of. There were punks in dinosaur costumes and fire twirlers and a DJ and a van with spot lights.
Jason is awesome, and good at darts.
He's also like 7 feet tall. An aside, I think if there were anywhere that I would want to move in the country, it would probably be Eugene Oregon. It's so green and lovely and has good vibes.
Jason and Erin have friendly squirrels.
Homeward bound! We made good time.
Only stopping at Mount Rushmore briefly.
And then Wall Drug in South Dakota, where I ate an uninspiring veggie burger and these creepy mechanical cowboys sing.
It was a long drive home.
The dinosaur is new. It roars every 12 minutes.
Ian and I were both tired, but he knows how important ridiculous photos are to me.
I sat next to Annie Oakly when I was little. She's weathered a bit over the years, but so have I.
We had a great time.
That's all folks. I'm off to eat eggs. Have a great Sunday.