We're back from the crazy road trip, but we have a traffic jam of photos so you get this boring "I only slept 4 hours last night and then went to mother's day" post first.
Heather and Andy took me out to the PALOMINO. It was fancy. There were bleu cheese and waffle fries involved.
Andy never comes to brunch, but Audrey does. She is a good replacement for Andy because she's fun and her name also starts with A.
Ian and one of Molly's 17 cats.
This one is my favorite. If I'm good, Molly might give her to me. She gives good kitty hugs.
I really enjoy the lighting on Ian in this shot.
Catherine Rose enjoys feet.
Another picture of that same squirrel with the nipples. This one is less tawdry.
Scott and Katie moved away, but not before I beat them and everyone at Rob's Wise & Otherwise game. Woot! They will be missed, but we're already planning to go visit them in their adobe castle in the desert.
My attractive and intelligent family.
Chrissy and I explored Pi one night and we ended up running into many of my lesbians. They travel in packs.
More attractive family.
My parents replaced some windows in my old bedroom and haven't properly dressed them yet. This is what they get for living in Edina.
I thought the note was ridiculous and Heather agreed.
The parents were unruffled.
Guitar hero-licious! If Jacquie had a band in the 80's it could be called "Jacquie And Her Jams".
Rebecca graduated from medical school. There was much rejoicing. I missed most of it due to the road trip, but I still love her terribly.
Beth and a sleepy Edie at the last chatterbox brunch.
Angie is punk rock.
When you invite Rebecca to brunch she brings like 17 other people because she's an anarchist. This is Meridian. He dyed his hair pink so he could look like his favorite anime character.
I think Zev looks like a warrior prince here.
Rebecca and father
I look nice in this.
Cinnamon is super cute as always.
Ian can smile for miles.
Ryan got in a car accident and hit his head. I'm very glad things weren't worse and that he is healing because we love him muchly. Also, we bought him a lot of expensive beer in Oregon.
The bonsai that Molly gave me is slowly growing back from being eaten by cats, and Angie gave me a lovely birthday plant. They bring me great joy.
Since I took that picture, the bonzai has grown a lot.
I invited people from highschool over for dinner the other night. It was a good way to get me to clean my house before the trip. They were a lot of fun and I was glad to have them.
John came over to get my ipod and some hats and stayed for a drink and a boogie scratch.
I've been enjoying my new balance ball/chairs. Occaisonally I am a seal.
Andy works too hard so he's always sleepy. Here he is asleep on Heather.
I went and had breakfast with Jen the bird lady. Her China bird has plucked herself quite a bit lately, but I think she looks cute like a fuzzy teddy bear.
Kitchu enjoys unicorns.
Chelsea is buying a house. We're very excited for her.
I have no idea why I did this, but I remember it really hurt.
That's all. Road trip photos ahoy!