So lately I've been sorting through my old files and I recently happened upon a lot of my old fanfics that I've wrote over the past couple years... For most of it, I almost blush when reading because the writing is just so amateurish and ridiculous sounding but (ok, narcissistic moment coming) for some of it, I'd have to say is pretty good too.
Most of the ones that I was satisfied with (which comes to a whopping four one-shots and one longer chaptered one that I wrote for the spring 2008
dgficexchange) I've posted on or but the thing about those sites is that, you know, once you submit the final document, you can't go back and edit it at all. Which is pretty realistic and all- I don't see Tom Clancy or Robin McKinley running up to Barnes & Noble and being like, "WAIT I WANTED TO CHANGE THAT ONE PARAGRAPH"- but still, all the same, there's certain grammatical errors or words that I've been itching to go back and fix.
So I've decided that, purely for my peace of mind, I'm going to edit and then repost all my fics on livejournal. Not that I don't think anyone's going to read them, seeing as how no one I know uses livejournal and the only fanficcing I've done on here is for the DG Fic Exchange, but it'll make me feel better. And that's always a good thing, isn't it? ^_^
Anyway, if anyone out there IS reading this, and by some chance they're dying to read some of my fanfics (and I know you are so dying to) here's my page and my
Fire and Ice Archive page.