Synopsis is Posted!

Jul 21, 2006 02:12

The most recent synopsis, for the week of July 12 through July 18 is now posted.

This contains a very, very brief over-view of the major world-events which have occurred during these two weeks. Those things which appeared in the Newspaper or were otherwise widely known and/or advertised.

Your responsibility now, as a player, is to reply to this synopsis post with a very, very brief overview of what has occurred to your character during this week. We must not expect everyone to have time to read every post. Make this as brief as possible while conveying the factual information of what has occurred with your character during this week.

Also, check the 'active players list' and make sure your character is ON there! I've been known to slip and forget to put new characters on our cast-list, so this will double-check for me that everyone is there who ought to be.

Please use hyperlinks to link readers back to the relevant threads so that if they want to read in more detail about a certain character, all they have to do is follow the links.

If you don't know how to make links, the help-topic is here:

Obviously some of us will have links to the same topics, but some people reading or considering applying for the game might be interested only in following certain characters, so don't NOT link threads in your post because you think someone else DID link them... does that make sense? Try and keep your entry focused on your character's perspective and events as much as possible.

Your entry may be as long or as short as you like, but we do ask that everyone make *some* sort of entry as soon as you have time.

Please also take this time to check your 'tags' of your main-game topics as you do this. It is fine if you do not wish to use tags in your own journal, but please try to help us keep the tags 'current' on the main-game board. Ping this post with the link to any threads where the admin team can delete the "incomplete" tag and make the thread "complete".

I have given up trying to keep an active list of 'incomplete' threads. It was just too much work! Please try to keep track of your own incomplete threads and make a concerted effort to complete them in a timely fashion.

As always, please contact your friendly and hard-working admin team with any questions, comments, problems, concerns, suggestions, whatever! Little problems are always much easier addressed and solved when still little. *grin*
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