It's been . . . A mixed year. Yes, there have been fantastic things like _The Mortal Word_ being published, and planning for books 6-8, and Barcelona, and Florence, and a lot of other things that made me happy at the time. And yet there was also Brexit, and Trump (I consider him a worldwide minus), and issues that my friends had, and an office move
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Comments 6
Also, while I hate to be That Woman, you've entered the period of divine discontent known as the late 40s. Things get bumpy thereabouts, and no, I'm not talking just hormones. It's the 'reach and grasp' divide brought home a little sharper than before. Sucks, but you do make peace with it eventually.
(I've just spent the last week with my parents, who are both in their late seventies. I do love them, but at this point I am also looking forward to not having to guard my patience quite so much when back in Leeds.)
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