The eve of the new year

Dec 31, 2018 16:53

It's been . . . A mixed year. Yes, there have been fantastic things like _The Mortal Word_ being published, and planning for books 6-8, and Barcelona, and Florence, and a lot of other things that made me happy at the time. And yet there was also Brexit, and Trump (I consider him a worldwide minus), and issues that my friends had, and an office move at work combined with a reorganisation in progress, and other bits and pieces that annoyed.

And (how many sentences starting with "and" does this make?) there is the fact that I am employed, and having books published, and comfortable, and so many other things which are on the "gratitude" side of the ledger that the sensible part of my mind points out that I shouldn't complain.

But yet I do.

I was talking to my parents over lunch about wishes and expectations, and how my own wishes/expectations for myself as an author have slid. I think it may be the same for any creator (unless I'm deluding myself and trying to make myself feel better, which is entirely possible). There is no point at which one says "enough". There is always more to be done, more to be improved, more to be reached.

So, um, in the coming year...I'll try to get more done. And better. There you have it. ;)

(And if the universe would cooperate by getting rid of a few of those larger-scale problems while I'm at it, that would be nice too.)

Best wishes to everyone, and take care.
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