Title: Amidst Shadows and Lights
inbetweencabsArtist: The lovely
claire_kay. Check out the
pretty art and give her lots of love.
writhedbeneath and
pataisen. Special thanks to
Type: Mystery AU with supernatural elements
Word Count: 24,317
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Kris Allen/ Adam Lambert, Adam/OMC, Kris/OFC, Kris/OMC, Brad Bell, Allison Iraheta
Warnings: allusions to dub-con, minor character death
Summary: Clairvoyant photographer Adam Lambert is being haunted by visions of a murder and right at the center of it all is Kris Allen, missing heir of a prominent family with an infamous history. Adam flies halfway across the world to find Kris but what he finds there is something that can change his life. Or end it.
Notes: Written for the second round of
kradambigbang. More notes at the end of the fic.
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
AO3 |