(no subject)

Sep 20, 2006 09:22

Sooo, I'm seventeen now. Yay, go me, etc.


I had wanted to be graduated before I turned seventeen. Damn! My dreams of being able to brag have been crushed! But I guess Kingdom Hearts II makes up for it.

Yep, finally got it. My brother got me a guide too, which I normally never play the first time around. But I thought, eh, bugger it. So I'm playing with a guide book. Call me a cheat, I don't mind.

Anyway! I must admit, Roxas caught me by surprise. I was kinda hating him in the beginning because I missed Sora's adorableness. But. The last fight with Axel? WHOA MAN. Awwwwesome. ^_^ Totally loving the valor form.

But, but then I finally got to Sora, and they CHANGED HIS VOICE ACTOR. I know they were doing this to show how long he's been in hibernation and stuff, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I can't believe I'm so depressed by a voice I loathed for two-thirds of the first game. But it made him so adorable!

I have slightly adjusted to older Sora, however, helped by the new clothes. Which are awesome!

And what's up with Aerith's lolita dress? I mean, what? Leon's in his same outfit. Yuffie's looks great, per usual, so I don't get where Aerith's costume change comes in. Oh well!

But moving on to other topics...

My mother's father is staying here for two weeks (one and a half of which have already gone by), which is neat. Not home alone, yay. However, can't watch Daily Show and the Colbert Report because he's a conservative. Not so yay. I sneak into my mother's room to watch it and remain happy.

Gah, I am exhausted. Couldn't get to sleep until after one last night. >.< I watched one of the new Netflix movies we got, Harriet the Spy, because I wanted to relive childhood. Also, Harriet is fabulous. If I lived in a city as a child, I could have grown up to be like her.

Stopped by Barnes & Noble last week and picked up more Yugioh and Fullmetal Alchemist. And Once Upon a Curse by E.D. Baker (which was fun. Only one book left, sob). Oh, and the Avenue Q soundtrack. Which is fantastic. There is no way a soundtrack with the songs 'It Sucks to be Me,' 'If You Were Gay,' and 'Everyone's a Little Bit Racist' can be anything but fantastic. Mmm.

Aaaand I finally watched Red Water, the one Netflix movie I have been forgetting about. Bwahaha. Hilarious movie. I'm making a parody script of it which is still in progress, so expect that in an upcoming update.

And I’ve started chorus again. Yes, I caved. “Just say yes to peer pressure!” I announced, walking into the room. The effect was that of dancing down an escalator with a pineapple duct-taped to your face. Many cries of “OMGGG” were heard, and two people tried to hug me. Eight people asked if they could. At least they’ve learned.

But so far we’re doing well. We’ve got practice CDs now, and people are *gasp* actually practicing. Oh, the shock. So I’m happy.

Also started up singing lessons. First day back, what do I get? An easy song? No. An Italian aria. A HARD one. *sigh*

But Japanese classes are on! I’m happy. I was really worried they weren’t going to be happening this semester.

And that’s about all that’s happening here. More in a few days. No, really.
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