Attack of the Delusional Fucktards

Oct 03, 2009 00:07

Whether they know it or not, the 3-Ring Circus at Faux News has performed the equivalent of having anal sex with its girlfriend for the first time while sitting on a hornet's nest.  I know that's a vomit inducing metaphor, but thats the only way I can think to describe just exactly what the extreme right is doing.  In between messing with a can of snuff and labeling Lindsay Graham a closet communist, I can bet Glenn Beck must be drooling and jacking off at just how much insanity he's been able to stir the past few months.  So what if he's hemorraging advertisers faster than a hemophiliac can bleed out from a paper cut?  He's become God to the right-wing militia groups and evangelicals and he loves every second of it.

Beck ain't the only offender either.  Pants shitting Sean Hannity has done more than his fair share by distorting facts and mangling recorded quotes on his comedy show and Rush Limbaugh expertly clinches the performance tailor made for him; that of a backdoor kennel operator.  Maybe they all subscribe to the same speech writer as Michelle Bachmann?  Now we have useful idiots being shilled by whoever spoonfeeds them lies into protesting anything the "Head N*$*&r In Charge" wants to do without considering for even a second whether it might actually help them and hurt the insurance companies.  In case they didn't know, the insurance company has probably already decided to deny them payment if they happen to get sick or injured.  This just in:  Healthcare reform protester John Dumshit is in the hospital with cancer.  Hope you enjoyed sticking up for BlueCross like a sockpuppet asshole.  Now you can have fun developing a morphine addiction and dying while your precious insurance company tells you to fuck yourself because you can't pay for chemo on your own.  Was it worth it?

I've also got a serious bout of Schadenfreudian-Masochism concerning the rise in militia groups in this weird ass place.  I just listened to an audio clip from a radio show in which a "Jim from Oklahoma" talked about he and 200 other cultists were planning on staging a coup to out Obama from the White house and, in his words, "take this country back to the way it was 400 years ago!"  While apperently enthusiastic about a return to slavery (White power indeed,) he doesn't seem to realise that the Secret Service and military might have something to say about that nonsense.  I know you don't know how to read the Constitution sir, but you have just admitted to treason by advocating unlawful takeover of the democratically elected government.  And while he likes to toot his horn about having 200 like minded (meaning inbred) people to follow his cause, when compared to the number of soldiers in uniform he may as well be heading an Afghan insurgency force that walked naked into a fully armed and staffed military base.  Course, since that was apperently his biggest achievement as a person, he never strayed from that crucial talking point.  I guess admitting to fucking his sister and fathering 800 children with her just didn't sound as awesome.

Here's where the Schadenfreude comes in:  I want Jim-Bob the Stupid to march his cult of schizophrenics to Washington while yelling "Down with N*&%$rs!  Right to Bear Arms and Fuck our Mothers!" because the second he hits Downtown DC I want to see a batallion of US troops waiting and ready to shred these idiots into lunchmeat.  How's that for "Amurrika Fuck Yeah!" patriotism?  I want to see our army mow down a sect of treasonists like the lawnmower scene in Dead Alive.  Bloody good fun.

snarkery, fuck all, inazuma_1 hates you

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