Tsubasa RC Chapter 180 translation

Jan 24, 2008 00:56

(Holic tomorrow, for I am sleepy. :3)

It's getting harder and harder to make a coherent comment...

Before I got to Page 22. from 21. - I thought the very same thing as Mokona. CLAMP, ILU and your completing circles. ♥

Kuro being mortified over Sakura breaks my heart more than R!Shao or Fai doing the same. :(

Hiragana!Sakura and Katakana!Sakura are now mixing. Wonder if this will mean an ultimate merge of the originals and duplicates, even in the Shaoran's case. Wouldn't it be a simple way to solve things?


- This wish they made -
They believed it will surely be granted,
if they do it together -

"The Whereabouts of the Princess"

Page 2.

Mokona: Princess Sakura's soul...
Did it disappear...?

Page 3.

Mokona: Was the princess always aware of this?
That she was a fabricated thing.

Yuuko: ...No.

Fai: Sakura-chan only knew...

Since the feather in Tokyo was returned to her.

Page 04.

Fai: Not only after the other Shaoran-kun has disappeared...
But from that time already...
When that kid changed.

Not only did she not accept "Shaoran"-kun...
But she also was aware that she's a being that is called a duplicate.

Page 05.

Fai: She knew that "Shaoran"-kun's true Sakura-chan is someone else.
That's why she kept acting that way towards you.

Yuuko: But even so, to change the dream she had witnessed...
She did everything she could.

Page 6.

Mokona: Sakura...

Kuro: How long did you know?

Fai: From the beginning.

Because I've heard it.
From the one who devised this journey.

Page 7.

Fai: Exactly because of that...
If there was a wish of her I could grant, I wanted to do it.

Page 8.

Yuuko: Princess Sakura's facsimile is different from Shaoran.
In Shaoran's case only his body has been copied from the original Shaoran.

And it was his original who put a heart into him.

Fai: Sakura-chan's body and soul as well...
Were duplicates.

Page 9.

Fai: So those feathers that scattered, were the same as the original Sakura-chan's.

Kuro: Why was it different from the kid?

Fai: ....
If something happened to the duplicated Sakura-chan...

Page 10.

Fai: And the original Sakura-chan was still there...

Yuuko: He could effectively replace her.
Fei Wang.

Page 11.

Yuuko: With this he could repeat the same thing over and over again.
Even if...
That fabricated thing's...
Life was extinguished because of it.

Page 12.

Kuro: The princess' soul...
Did it disappear?

Mokona: It doesn't matter if fabricated or not!

Page 13.

Mokona: Sakura is Sakura!!

R!Shao: That's right...

Page 14.

R!Shao: I was...
Always watching...

Everyone's journey...

That's why...

Page 15.

R!Shao: I will get it back.

Page 16.

Yuuko: Fei Wang's wish...
Is something everyone wishes for.

To have...
People who are never lost.

Mokona: But...
People we've once lost, are never coming back.

Page 17.

Yuuko: ....

Mokona: Where did they bring Sakura's body?

Page 18.

R!Shao: I have a wish.

Please tell me...
Where Sakura is.

Yuuko: Which Sakura.. do you mean?

Page 19.

R!Shao: Both of them.

I definitely won't let Sakura die!

Page 20.

Yuuko: If I tell you, what will the other two do?

Kuro: I will go.

Page 21.

Fai: I will go.

Page 22.

Mokona: It's the same.
As when they first came to this shop.

Yuuko: Then...
The price is...

Memories turning around.... a decision turning around
Now, to a new journey--!

Totally not-related p.s.: Oh, Kazuki, I ♥ your voice so much~ :3

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