So... Harry Potter? :D

Jul 18, 2007 23:26

Just got back from OOTP! :D

While we are waiting for this week's TRC - on which I still have a piece of mind to share - let me spam you with my long, squeey thoughts on sadly not enough yaoi and movie 5. Warning, there'll be spoilers and capslock.

I will spare you a long tirade about how much a fangirl I am for this series (6 years and counting) and even so how I always have something to whine about in the case of the movies, so to say just one thing about OOTP:

I really really liked it. :)

I don't know if I ever will love a HP movie like I did the LOTR ones - more consistency and Peter Jackson-like care would be neccessary for that - but I think Yates did a really good job with this one (or he's just pushing my right buttons). :D

I felt so-so after GOF, but then again I don't favor that book, so the movie was just as meh for me, whereas I love OOTP. But let's face it, it is a monstre book that does drag at times. There are a lot of scenes that need to be cut to make an enjoyable movie.

Things I adored:

a.) Scenes:
- Grimmauld Place, the Ministry (so impressive), The Department of Mysteries. I had to catch my breath they looked so much like I imagined. I loved the Ministry showdown. It's one of my favourite moments in the entire series and it was done stunningly. I only missed the different rooms (Where are the brains?! :D) but other than that it was perfect. The fight between the Order and the Death Eaters (I LOL'd at Sirius laying one on Lucius there :D), the Prophecy Room, THE VEIL, Dumbledore vs. Voldemort: <333333333 Ever since I read the scene of Voldemort possessing Harry, I wanted to see that on the big screen and there it was!
- Direction and storytelling. Very well condensed, tight pacing and awesome scene changes. The Prophet plays an important part in OOTP and I loved that they did the narration in the form of headlines. It creates a great tension which can be felt throughout the whole movie.
- Occlumency and the whole Harry vs. Voldemort mind battle. The rapid flashing scenes, the almost trippy camera movements when out-of-his-mind!Harry tries to torture Bella, THE FLASHBACKS, Harry's visions of Voldie... I loved them all.
- Sirius' death. Just as unexpected and quick and "...wait, what?!" like in the book. Don't tell me that wasn't on purpose.
- The DA. All of it. ♥
- Also teenagers acting like teenagers. In a common room for teenagers. There was music. A+

b.) Characters:
- Umbridge. I don't think there's anyone who would say that Imelda Staunton's acting was less than perfect. So sweetily nauseating and repulsive, just like Umbridge is. I was holding my breath during the detention scenes with Harry. (Needs more McGonagall - Umbridge bickering, though).

- Luna. She's ditzy and spaced out but still so-so cute. I never much cared for Luna in the books, but she's endearing in the movies.

- Harry. I always have a soft spot for the hero of any story and I love Harry and I'll always love him no matter what he does and where he goes. And finally, finally, Daniel, you're starting to get the hang of it. ♥ The small, important things. Please grow up just a little bit more and there we'll have HBP!Harry. This time there wasn't enough emo, though! WHERE WAS MY CAPSLOCK OF RAGE DAMMIT?! :)

- And Trio. MAJOR TRIO LOVE in this movie. I could even stand Emma Watson's acting this time. :) There's the scene where she lectures Grawp and she brings the most perfect Hermione she ever did in the entire 5 films. I adore Ron by default and finally, they didn't made him out to be comic relief! One of the best things about this movie.

- Tonks! :D She's a doll! She's spunky! She dresses like I do! :D I caught myself eyeing her and Lupin in the Grimmauld scenes. I swear if there had been a scene with her and Lupin, it'd made me a shipper in a heartbeat. And this makes me :D?? cause... Sirius/Remus O. f'ckin T. P. (There was a puppyship moment at the beginning that my little heart will always love. ♥ )

- Sirius. OH MY. Thank you, Gary Oldman for remindig me why I love Sirius and his relationship with Harry. And yes, you're very sexy in your new clean overcoat et all, though you could still loose that damn curly hair. Just saying.

- Lucius & Bellatrix. A+++++ ashshfkrhdafde;; OH HOW DO I LOVE THE WRONG SIDE OF SIRIUS' EXTENDED FAMILY. LIKE, HELLO WELL-DRESSED, SEXY PEOPLE. (Allow me a bit of capslocking here.) I've been hot for Jason Isaacs ever since the second movie so I kept going :D ♥ :D ♥ everytime he opened his mouth (I need to watch this with subs!!). Um, Mr. Isaacs, I know you're married and stuff, but... feel free to call me anytime. Really. I mean, they freaking sizzled with Helena B.C. there - I swear Bella kept making eyes at him :D - which puts a whole new spin on the whole family affair. :DDDD I want to see Narcissa NOW.

- Ralph Fiennes, you're a wicked, wicked, sexy man and I could kiss whoever picked you for this role. ♥

- Gambon finally convinced me as Dumbledore after the atrocity that was GOF. I was waiting for this.

Things I didn't like:
- Lots of cute, funny everyday school stuff - and even the OWLs - got shifted for the sake of the plot.
- Um, why was Kreacher even there when they cut his entire plotline, you know, where he is the one responsible for Sirius' death?
- Not enough Advance Guard. There needs to be more Kingsley, for he is made of awesome.
- Hello, Marauders? Young Snape? Did I see you or was that only my imagination? I thought they'd keep the whole scene! I weep. :((((
- Making Cho the traitor. Cho is not like that and this shouldn't have been made the reason Harry broke up with her.
- Ginny should have opened her mouth more, otherwise the Great Romance in the next movie will be less than believeable.
- Grawp is a mistake in the books as well, to bad he had to take screentime away here too.
- I wanted to hear "Weasley is Our King". :( -
- And the Sirius vs. Snape "NO, U" screaming at Christmas.
- Hell, Sirius singing Christmas songs, even. :D

Shipping (cause how can you talk HP on the intarwebz without shipping):

- Where's my puppyship, dammit.
- More importantly, where's my H/D?!! :// But never fear, my moment under the sun shall come soon. There shall be HBP and bathroom scene and TENSION.
- RON/HERMIONE, 'NUFF SAID. He's so cute trying to act all heroic around her and she *giggles* at him. Wah. ♥
- Even the Harry/Cho was somewhat cute. (Though it's still the most boring ship ever, IMHO.)
- So... Lupin/Tonks? D: Someone who likes this pairing, give me your reasons.
- There was an alarming amount of Snape/Harry in there. With innuendo. :DDD

Yes, that was long. No, you may not stone me.

Oh and while we are talking HP: I'm going to disappear off the face of the Internet when Deathly Hallows comes out (some of you might know of my spoiler-phobia), but I'd kindly like to ask my flist in the upcoming few days...


Remember kids, LJ cuts are common courtesy.

ETA: I'm really getting paranoid now. D:

harry potter, rambling

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