Umm... het?

Jan 09, 2007 20:24

Okay, it's been beaten to death already, but the TRC spoiler of the month is here at chibiyuuto's.

Of course everyone wants to see Infinity end RIGHT NOW YES PLZ, but I actually hope it won't be unfinished or rushed. Eagle still has to Do Stuff, the spy has to be revealed, Family Issues need to be solved and Fai has to flash his bellybutton at least five more times before we can be done with this world. :D Whut, I still like Infinity. XD

I never was an "Ewwww, het!" type of person and now I can safely say that even though this series totally looked like CLAMPish-gay-subtext-anime like-whoa at the beginning - it pretty much took a headfirst jump into het Pimp Lulu's harem la-la-land. :D (Lulu/Suzaku would still be smokin' hot, though.)

And now I... uh, kinda ship? O_o

I'm pretty undecided on Lulu/C.C., since she doesn't really strike me as this Miss Overtly Awesome character everyone seems to think she is, but that could change. They ARE a kickass team with snark, but maybe what disturbs me is the fact that they so couldn't work out who should top. XD Seriously, Lulu is a total girl compared to C.C. :D

The Euphie type of character is usually the one I dislike in animes, but for some reason I really do like her here. She seems to have this subtle strength that could cause some surprises in the long run, besides, she's a master of undercover, what's not to like. :D She and Suzaku have this Princess/Knight vibe going on that miracously surpresses the strong gay ones that Suzuaku usually emits XDDD which I'm a total sucker for. And she literally fell into his lap from the window! CUTENESS A+++.

Speaking of the Princess/Knight dynamic, I can't be the only one who thinks that Guilford is SO Cornelia's personal boytoy, right. XDDDD That's all kinds of awesome, not to mention HOT. The two of them, now there's a definite OTP. ♥

And so is Jeremiah/Viletta. ♥ Who are sadly underused, but only because otherwise they'd have totally figured out about the Zero-Lulu connection by now. XDD Seriously, Viletta is so close, she has seen Lulu with C.C. and now she's found a picture of him in Shirley's wallet. Alas, poor girl is held up in her investigations because of her boyfriend boss being totally out of it not in the... well, best mental condition right now. Chances for them to survive this mess? Low. >.> Still, I hope they do.

Oh, and after I saw various people screaming DO NOT WANT at Lulu/Shirley, all I can say is Shirley = Misa, anyone? It wouldn't be the first time that a poor girl in love is used for the Greater And BTW Totally Righteous And Not At All Evil Plan, so why the freakout? If Lulu wants to seriously get into anyone's pants - which I doubt really, he's too much into the Idea for that - it's a toss between C.C. and Suzaku. XD Karen's fangirling Zero, not him (even if she'd lace C.C.'s tea with poison right now, she'll totally die of shock when she finds out for who Zero really is XD) and Shirley has this typical one sided "anime crush" syndrome which will either end very nasty, or her getting over it. I think Lulu did the most comforting thing he could there and I feel sorry for Shirley, really.

I can't believe I'm ranting this much about freaking *shipping* in an anime that has a lot more potential than that. But that's fandom for you people. XD

Now back to the books and see you tomorrow for translations, dears. ♥ ^^

code geass, rambling

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