[spn_reversebang] Art for Trapped

Nov 12, 2012 19:59

My first prompt for spn_reversebang !!!! My love for fantasy did it, and dragon!Jensen is here with sorcer!Jared...

Thanks a LOT, mikopony  for saving my life... or my prompt. You did an amazing job as a pinch-hitter, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

¡¡¡¡Mi primer promt para el reversebang!!!! Mi amor infinito por la fantasía fue mi idea y aquí tenéis -como no xD- un dragón!Jensen y un hechicero!Jared...

MOGOLLONES de gracias a mikopony  por salvar mi vida... o mi idea. Hiciste un increíble trabajo acudiendo en mi auxilio cuando mi primera autora tuvo que renunciar, en serio, ¡¡¡gracias desde lo más profundo de mi corazón!!!

Fic Title: Trapped
Author: mikopony 
Fandom/Genre: RPS, Fantasy
Pairing(s): Jared/Jensen
Rating: M (for violence)
Word Count: ~6,800
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Summary: It wasn’t always like this. At least, he thinks it wasn’t always like this but sometimes he can’t be sure. Sometimes, when he stands on the tallest tower and closes his eyes, he could imagine he was flying, soaring above the countryside.

J2 fic set in a fantasy world.


My original prompt, number 2015:

full size here / tamaño completo aquí





Program: Adobe Photoshop CS4

Images: andreas-ri , http://www.deviantart.com/

Textures: texturize, others (if you recognize a texture as yours, please tell me and I´ll credit you)

Fonts: http://www.dafont.com/

fanart, spn_reversebang, sobrenatural, big bang 2012, supernatural

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