___Mauve __ You want people to stop posting ridiculous chain letters on Myspace

Dec 29, 2005 15:57

: You have to re-post this in 1 min.
Or your gonna be single till you die.
so do it!!!

I'd feel sorry for slow, gullible readers, here. It will take a good fifteen seconds to get to "1 min." and then they're well past the half-minute mark when they get to the three exclamation marks. So even if they DO want to re-post (and everyone seems to want to on Myspace) they're not likely to get to their color in time. C'mon, mystic chainletter starters, you've got to give these people more time! That's why most give the reader about twenty-four hours to repost. It's not because the letter is considerate of a person's busy life, it's giving the reader time to finish reading the darn thing! One minute just isn't going to cut it. So let's cross out that totally unrealistic deadline.

: You have to re-post this in 1 min. 'bout a week
Or your gonna be single till you die.
so do it!!!

That's better.

Taken and Dedicated

In Love These are the colors that most twelve year olds go for. "We been together for a whole school week. That's dedication, yo. And we gonna be together 4-va no matter what! Even a three-day weekend ain't going to tear US apart!" We're all rooting for you, kiddos.

Confused about someone (Read: In the closet)

Dont know if youre single or taken (Read: Slutzilla)

Single and Loving it This is what my uncle David would probably choose. Uncle David is a thirty-something alcoholic (in denial) who buys a new cell phone every six weeks so he has something to show off to the girls years his junior in order to lure them back to his condo that he still shares with two roommates. Do not be like Uncle David. Uncle David is a sad, sad man.

___Hot Pink___
Single and Talking to someone I really don't understand the logic used in deciding what color goes with what type of status you're in.

Divorced, sharing custody of pet pot-bellied pigs

Single, not loving it, just waiting Hope you're patient, loser! HA HA HA!

Seriously though, join a freakin' dating service or something. It's not like the fine ladies/fellas will come to you. You are obviously not beating them away with a stick or stick-like object of equal effectiveness. Throw on some Old Spice and hit the karaoke bars!

Like more than 1 person Just don't try to go on a date with the more than 1 people on the same night! Besides hilariousness ensuing, you might get karate chopped in the business.

Heartbroken [Insert "You're emo" joke here.]

Like someone but nothing is happening Unless you've never talked to them before, and you're just some kind of low, sad stalker-type, you are a wussy with a capital P.

Dont really care about love anymore Just like you don't care about paying taxes or fixing that ceiling fan. If it's difficult, you just give up! ...quitter.

Like someone who is taken Give it about a week.

like some one but think that they already know because your dumbass friend wont keep their fat mouths shut!! FUCKERS! I'm pretty sure the person who wrote this chose this one for themselves. Number one, the skills of the writer match the drama depicted in the scenario. It all fits into a "I'm a freshman in high school and MAN am I angry at life!" niche. Number two, they drop the eff bomb. That's passionate involvement.

___Lime green___
u like someone who only likes u but only as a friend and wont go out with u cuz they dont want 2 ruin your friendship (bullshit!) ...eh, I'm bored. I'm not going to analyze this one. If it's you, uh, you have a week to re-post telling everyone how you're lime green. Have fun with that.
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