I'm still crocheting like mad - have made a pair of slippers and am working on a cover for this netbook. I also have a copy of Mum's 'Needlewoman' from 1950 which only has one crochet pattern, for lacy white daytime gloves. I am tempted to try them in one of the new multi-coloured threads, but can't imagine any occasion these days too wear lace gloves (I'm not sure why women wore them in the 50s.)
Finally got round to finding a plumber to fix the tap in the kitchen, and he is coming tonight ("Is six pm OK?") to fit a new sink in the downstairs loo. I asked for 'capstan' tap heads as I find it difficult to get a grip on these modern contoured ones, and he professed bafflement - but has emailed me a picture of something that appears to be a modern spiky version of the proper old fashioned type. We shall see.
Have bought a set of weaves for the dogs to practice their agility on. Took them out on the rec yesterday and Bren is fine, Draco OTOH regards the rec as somewhere to play with his ball, and refuses to do anything else. They have a competition on Sunday - hopefully the show atmosphere will have an effect.
Still trying to work out how, whether and when I will get to Loncon 3 - given that we couldn't get the dogs into kennels for the duration, and therefore only have a three hour window (one of which would be spent travelling) for visits.
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