Damn. And I was expecting them to announce Benedict Cumberbatch as the New Dr Who Companion (TM).
The sun is shining, Spring does seem to be here (at least temporarily). This morning I drove down the road to the Camelot/Beehive car park so that we could walk Draco in the Eastern half of Hainault Forest, which we rarely visit. Despite the lack of rain the paths (especially the ones used by riders) are thick with mud - London clay that you can practically use straight off the path to make bricks). Elsewhere the ground is rock hard and still covered in a thick layer of last Autumn's leaves. I do wonder how the new trees that were planted a couple of years ago to extend the forest are going to manage in the drought.
Too hot to do tile-laying. I have wiped some more stuff off the TV recorder and need to get round to some more cross-taping.
The muse is still being coy.
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