Thank you to those who sent me Valentine hearts - having finally dragged them out of my spam box, dusted them down and hung them in the appropriate place (as an aside, I wonder whether the reason I've not been getting LJ notifications properly is because they're being trapped by the spam filter?).
I spent an hour at the laundrette yesterday washing all my jeans and attempting to write a Primeval valentine drabble - and failing miserably.
And this morning phoned Homeserve to send out a plumber to repair the loo valve. They're usually very efficient, though I do wish they'd ask in advance what sort of valve they'll need, because I just know that he'll arrive, take one look at the mid-20C plumbing, and have to send out for the right part (which I could tell him now is a half inch straight arm brass float valve). And yes, I could probably do it myself, if I didn't have a horror of meddling with domestic water supplies, and the strength and tools to deal with a metal fitting covered in over 40 years of London limescale and rust.
Anyway, he's arriving tomorrow morning - between 8 and 1. Hopefully.
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