Nov 21, 2011 21:32
I am behind on blogging, but up to date on writing - so that's all right then.
Went to the Supreme cat show on Saturday - I have yet to find out whether any of the photos come out - particularly those of the over-the-top pen decorations.
Today we went out to get a tile cutter so I can finish the work on the ex-garage this week (though probably not by Thursday when the gassman commeth). Wickes were selling a hand-cutter for £35.99 which I intended to buy - since the electric ones cost three figures. Except that when we got there they had an electric cutter down to £34.99. It doesn't look as robust as the hand cutter - but hopefully will hold out for the 20 or so tiles we need to split in half. (The machine is supposed to cut tiles up to 25mm thick (about an inch). I hadn't checked the thickness of the tiles we have, and the box says that they're 80mm thick (!?) I was beginning to think I'd gone dolally and actually borrowed a tape measure to double check. Clearly someone misplaced the decimal point. They're 8mm (or a quarter of an inch) thick. Should go under the saw easily.
Now I need to dig up our safety glasses and a mask before working out how to hook this thing up (outside, because our friendly neighbourhood dog-walking builder warned us that the water goes everywhere).