I have nothing clever enough to use as a title

May 18, 2004 01:15

My life has come down to one of two things. i either a) have had a severe learning disability all my life that has just now decided to present itself or b) have just been incredibly sheltered for the past 19 years of my life. I'm not entirely sure which one would be a bigger problem.

Things to look forward to
*a weekend in milwaukee with Anna L. for bands, booze, and...well bands and booze...at summerfest...including : OAR, matt nathanson, ben folds, guster, live, sister hazel, tantric, and chevelle.
*OAR added another Chicago show, one without Dave MAtthews, which makes me happy because i can not stand dave.
*my brother's graduation- he was supposed to be in jail, so hooray for him being able to graduate high school!
*leaving this place in 3 weeks and finally hanging with mi amigas and family
*3 more drunken weekends with my friends here
*summer means home, which means work, which means MONEY to blow on concerts
*Dispatch show in Boston Maryland on July 31st...ROADTRIP!
*no papers or tests or quizes or unwanted reading for 3 whole months!
*never ever having another 6 am wakeup call from the gargabe truck
*one killer beruit party...and if all works out, with a bondfire, camping and guitar!
*Willow Folk Festival (if you don't know what this is, you just don't know anything about me!)
*Being able to be at home without having my brother piss me off so badly that i am forced to run away and break my mothers heart...he is leaving for school- THANK GOD!

Things i will miss
*beruit at pretty adam's house
*pretty adam
*midnight- 4 am on Friday nights
*being ridiculously hammered midnight-4 am on friday nights!
*being in naperville
*having a (insert any fast food, restauarnt or store name imaginable) only 5 minutes away...or 10 minutes away...or well, lets face it, a distance that can be travelled easily by bike- meaning less than 30 miles away.
*the select few that I refer to as "Friends" here.
*the thrift stores
*all the people that are transfering out of here (i am so jealous)
*my roommate
*perverted late night im's
*knowing that there is always someone to make out with...because home is just no fun in that sense.
*my cubby hole- a mattress, 2 feather beds, 4 pillows, 3 tye-dyed blankets and my glow worm, all packed comfortably on the floor

that's all i can think of off the top of my head.

This past week has been real fucked up. Apparently i drink too much- that seems to be the concensus from my friends-...i didn't notice until i realized that my liver hurt everytime i was sober! ah!

Thursday night i was almost kidnapped. That scared the shit out of me. I called campus safety to report it...and i do know that they are required to ask certain questions, but I think that one of the dumbest questions you can ask someone when they are being followed by a car is "did you see the liscense plates". i mean think about it, if you notice a car is following you, you're not going to want to get close enough to see the fucking plates! maybe that is just me, beacuse i am blind and would have to be within 2 feet to see the plates...

This weekend was pretty interesting. I am guessing that since i do not remember most of it that it was a good time!

I have tons of shit to do this week. I am going to list all of the things ihave to do...but before i do that, i do have to mention the fact that i HATE overhearing those conversations in which people are just standing around complaining to each other about who has what due...and i hate those people that act like it is the end of the world because they procrastinated and now have a billion things to do. Now i would like to point out that i am going to become exactly what i hate:

tuesday- observing and writing a 5 page paper describing a place that i have supposed to have been observing for the last 8 weeks.
wednesday- accounting test and macro econimcs quiz
thursday- meeting with zach at noon, writing papers all day
friday- 5 page paper due, revisions on a 5 page paper due, a 10 page lit review due, accounting due- cornerstone remote, MCing the Kill Hannah show at COD, and thank the good lord that the 5 am dunken donuts thing was cancelled. i would have had to kill someone.

I don't feel good. I am tired. I am done.
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