yesterday was a weird day

Jun 27, 2024 14:33

the morning / early afternoon was alright. i wasn't really sure what to do when i first woke up, outside of watching Youtube videos, but i made a good start working on tidying up laptop stuff last night, and picked back up on that after having some time to wake up. got through all the folders for either new videos per channel, or entire new archived channels in yt-dlp's folder, had oatmeal for breakfast, washed the dishes, and did two sets of exercise for the morning all before ~1:30pm. i had the fan turned on out here, so i didn't hear the rumbles of thunder at first, but did notice that the sky seemed to be getting more and more dark bit by bit. then i started to hear what i figured must be thunder, which it indeed was, and a whole heck of a lot of rain set in shortly after that. it came down hard, and kinda sideways, in more than one direction, and i found myself not so sure about the way i was feeling prior about it being okay if there was rain on the way to work

...i was the latest punching in for my shift that i've ever been. also, i figured out at least beginning steps for how to proceed the next time it's raining when i have to go to work

then, it took an extra ten minutes or so changing into my uniform and trying to manage the outfit i'd worn that had got pretty well completely soaked

then, it took forever to face, because there was a customer who wanted to buy hot sauce that was out of date, and another who wanted 48 cans of tomatoes

then, i was stressed out because i technically had to receive product (as in, fill out the paperwork while the company reps restocked the display), and i was overthinking what to do for the paperwork

then, when i came back from lunch break, there was a display of BBQ sauce that was on its way to tipping over, which sucked up time between John and i getting it onto a u-boat and me neatly putting all the bottles in a shopping cart after filling the shelf

and there may have been more, but those are what i can remember. one of those days where the weirdness factor is amped up, but as i felt / remarked reflecting at home afterward, in spite of all that happened, it was a good, productive shift, and a good day overall

now it's time to get ready for today's shift

to whatever comes, even if it's more of the same-
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