Change! Progress! Yes we can!

May 02, 2009 14:17

Today marks the beginning of the end of Magical Food.

I realized it this morning while I waited over 30 minutes in line at the check out counter of Shopwise, when normally I would never ever go to the supermarket on a weekend, I had to go because Lola Cora is out of town and apparently we had no more food.

This year is bringing more changes than I anticipated when I made my 2009 manifesto. Some of the changes were a long time coming and I've been semi-preparing myself for them. It's just that even if they kept telling us it's imminent, I thought it would be another two or three years. Some are completely unexpected, although not altogether unwelcome.

It doesn't mean I will soon have to cook. No, nothing that drastic. Only that I will soon have to start buying meat and fish regularly. A skill I'm afraid I was not able to learn from my Mom. And also conceivably I have to start planning the household menu. Hey, this won't be such a bad thing. If I'm planning the menu then ALL meals will have vegetables from now on.

Still. Magical Food is amazingly convenient.  Not to mention, magical.

Sigh. Why do we have to keep growing up?


Speaking of the 2009 Manifesto, seems I stopped marking my monthly progress after my first monthly progress report. Hahaha! Again I blame the forces of evil iPhone. However, since it is still close to the beginning of a new month, I suppose I could chart the progress of the last three months, perhaps in less detail than I did the first month. Hala, baka maging quarterly report na lang ito. Or every four months report. Boo! Maybe I should make a note on my iPhone to mark my monthly progress. Hahaha!

Anyway, ok. Here goes:

  1. Lia is potty trained (a month ago pa) Yay!
  2. Threw Desi's birthday party (inc. 50 hand-sewn loot bags and a million other details)
  3. Organized pile of handbags
  4. Organized scrapbooking stuff
  5. Coordinated trips to Tagaytay and Singapore with Mike
  6. Coordinated trips to Subic and Bicol with Lapids
  7. Coordinated studio family picture taking at Blow Up Babies
  8. Finished Angkan, the clan newsletter (at least, last I checked, it's finished)
  9. Took care of kids while yayas are on vacation (on going)
  10. Made appointments for trial preschool classes for Lia
  1. Saw the fish cages
  2. Threatened to go to chicken loading. Hahaha! (business is really mostly Mike pa rin, the most I do is deposit a check or transfer some cash now and then. And only when Mike is out of town or too busy to do it himself.)
  3. Showed the condo unit to a potential tenant (they didn't take it. oh well.)
  1. Designed the Kythe shirt (well, this is for Ninin, not for me. But I consider it a personal project)
  2. Still organized and tracking expenses with Simplicity
  3. Still going out with friends (but not while we have only one yaya)
  4. Joined Facebook and Twitter (thus the drop in productivity)
  5. Blogging more
  6. Reading again

Right now I'm waayyy behind on my latest to do list. Waaaay! So this list of accomplishments is not as satisfying as I though it might be. Even if I was super duper busy from the beginning of March until the end of Holy Week. I guess that's because most of these things I had finished weeks ago. April had been one big facebook-twitter blur. I barely saw my planner for days, weeks at a time. Plus there is a distinct lack of painting, book-creating, and exercising in the Self list. Ah well. We are a work in progress. The other day, I cleared my desk again, sat with my Simplicity, and now I believe I am back on track.

When the above-mentioned changes are in full effect, I will likely remove my "business" list altogether, since Mike enjoys doing these things anyway and he is working hard to make time to be able to be more hands-on with our investments, and I will will be more focused on the "house" part. Especially since the new house, while yet undiscovered, must come into reality within the next few months, in preparation for an even bigger change. Now if only I could focus on my to-do list and... stop... twittering....!

Damn you, Facebook!

simplicity, house, doña, family, resolve, iphone

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