Today Mike and I have been married 3 years, and have been a couple for 6. In all that time together we have never fought. Let me see, um, hmm... yes, nope. Never a fight in our career, no.
If you ask us the secret to our happiness, you would, of course, get different answers.
Mike: I only do what my wife tells me to do.
Me: I let him do whatever the hell he wants.
Obviously, just because we don't fight, doesn't mean we don't disagree. We disagree all the time. About a lot of things. Mostly little things. And if it's little, then one of us, usually me, will readily give in, no big deal. If it's a big thing, I win.
JUST KIDDING. We tend to think about it on our own, and then come together with an agreement. Neither of us like fighting, so we don't. It helps that our roles are pretty clearly defined. I make most of the decisions about our home and the children. Mike takes charge of our finances. I guess this means we're pretty traditional. Except Mike likes to pretend he's under even if he's not.
Because he really isn't. Really not. Really really not under at all. He is definitely, most clearly, the head of our household.
And this is absolutely irrefutably true because this is my blog and I say so, and Mike doesn't have a blog so he can't argue. Hah.
I think most of all, we're drama free cause we're too busy laughing. Laughing at each other, laughing at our children, laughing at ourselves. We make each other happy. At least, I know he makes me happy. And I am very very happy.
Dear Mike,
I am the luckiest woman on the planet because I'm married to you. You are the pogiest man alive. I love you.
Love, Ina