Dear Desi,
Happy three months! I can hardly believe it's only been about 3 months. It feels like you've always been a part of our lives. I can barely remember what life was like without you around. I can't imagine it. That's how well you've fit in with the family.
In the past month, besides growing so big so fast, you've been busy doing two baby activities I find utterly adorable. One is, you found your hands. One day, while we were chilling on the bed (that means, I'm watching TV and you're not because I've put a wall of pillows between you and the TV so you can't see it), I saw you with one fist raised in the air and you were looking at it intently. Like it was the most delicious thing in the world.
Ever since you started shoving your hand in your mouth, we've pretty much stopped letting you wear mittens. Because they would get wet with baby drool and then dry and smell bad, and you wear them all day and keep putting it in your mouth. Yuck. So, no more mittens. Which, I think encouraged you to put your hand in your mouth more and more. The side of your hand, then a knuckle, then two, and four! If you could shove your entire fist inside your mouth you would. I guess it's that fun. Certainly, it's sooo adorable.
Because we've stopped letting making you wear mittens, sometimes, in the process of your fingers looking for your mouth, you would miss and scratch your face. Two weeks ago, I find you with a huge bleeding gash on your nose, and a big proud look on your face. Oh my Desi, all I could do was laugh and clean your nose with cotton and water. Then I put your hands in cute little pink mittens. Then I took several pictures. My little nose scratcher! You had a gash on your nose for almost a week! And your Daddy couldn't tease you enough about it.
The other adorable thing you do is talk. I love how you seem to prefer talking to crying as a form of communication. And how bored you would get just lying around in bed, and demand that someone come and sit with you and just talk to you. And if we talk to you, you talk back! And smile, and infuse each baby word with so much expression and feeling that it truly feels as if there is meaning in every "coo!" "au!" and "eh!" you utter. It totally entertaining to talk to you that sometimes I forget that you are at times, actually trying to say something. Like, "Mommy change my diaper!" or "Mommy I'm tired." And sometimes, we know exactly what you're trying to say. Like when we leave you in the crib for a few minutes so that Mommy can eat lunch, and yaya has some chores. You can't see anyone around and you start yelling! Your intonation clearly saying, "Hello! Is anyone out there? I'm a baby! I have to be carried! Hello!" Let me tell you, all the talking makes you even more irresistible than if you cried to get attention.
You are definitely developing a personality of your own, your own way of doing things, your own style. If Daddy and I thought we've learned how to go about parenting a baby because of our experience with your Ate, we sure are wrong because some things simply are not applicable. You don't like sleeping on your tummy. You don't like the cold. You still feed every 2-3 hours. At night, you refuse to nurse unless we are lying beside each other, thereby securing a spot in the big bed for the night. No sleeping in the crib for you because you want Mommy to have her arms around you all night long.
I haven't slept through the night either, since your birth. And often by morning, I am so tired that all I want to do is bury my head in my pillow. But you rise with the sun, and by 5:30 you are usually babbling and kicking away at the world. Chattering about rainbows and butterflies, and bunnies and sunflowers. And I try to ignore you for a few more minutes of sleep but you keep talking away happily. Until I finally give in and open my eyes, look at your face and say, Good Morning Desi. And that's when you flash me your billion dollar Good Morning Mommy smile and the headaches and weariness melts away.
That is the power you have over me. The power to make me happy. Just by smiling, or looking at me. Or not even by doing anything. By being there and being who you are, by being alive, you bring me such joy. The no sleep and endless nursing is a very small price to pay for how wonderful you make me feel every single day. Thank you Desi, for being my baby.
Love, Mommy