T minus 46 hours to launch

Mar 26, 2008 09:44

We went for our last ultrasound last Monday in Asian Hospital. Don't worry, I'm not giving birth there, I'm still delivering in Makati Med, it's just we prefer to have our tests and ultrasounds done in Asian cause they're so much more efficient, there's no pila, and their waiting room has padded chairs, a TV, and recently, it's own cashier. Well worth paying for toll when the alternative is hours upon hours in a crowded hospital corridor on the most uncomfortable chairs in the universe.

So anyway, we got our sonogram, and she's a-ok. She's in the right position, head down and facing my back. Average Ultrasonic Age is 37 weeks and a day, Est. Fetal Weight is 7 Lbs and 5 Oz. Lia was born 6 Lbs and 2 Oz so this one is bigger and Mike keeps calling her Biggie Desi and I keep telling him, she's the LITTLE SISTER. Lia is the BIG SISTER. But he will keep saying that cause it annoys me. But he will stop once she's born and he sees how teeny tiny Desi is now compared to Lia. Oh and for all the "Baka twins" people out there, she is a SINGLETON. Alone and all by herself in my belly, she is only one. No other baby hiding behind her. One Juan. No twins here. Just one little baby girl.

Another cool thing about getting our ultrasound in Asian is that their sonogram machine is also a 3D and 4D machine. And along with the official results that doctors care about (heartbeat squiggles and other body part only sonologists can make out) they give you a 3D pic of your baby. Unfortunately, unlike Lia, who was obstinately facing front all the way until her birthday, Desi's face was buried in my spine and covered by her fists. The doctor couldn't get a clear take of more than an eye and half a nose. So instead he gave us a print out of a very clear 3D image of my baby's beautiful peepee. Wahahaha! Sorry Desi, your first ever picture is that of your privates. Nevertheless, they are very cute.

Sorry na lang internet, I will NOT nor will I ever post an image of my baby's unborn genitalia for the world to see. But if you want to meet Desi in her entirety, and visit me in my post-birth bedraggled, bleeding, hopefully drugged up state, then come see us this weekend. I'll be giving birth on Friday morning, at around 8AM. By 2 or 3 in the afternoon, Desi should be rooming with us already. And because I'll be having a CS, we'll be there till Monday or Tuesday.

Eee! Ang lapit na! Less than 2 days!

I really ought to pack. But I think I'll get a haircut first. :-)

daddy, pregnancy, lia

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