Movie Meme!!

Dec 10, 2008 00:08

1. Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times:
Terry Gilliam's Brazil

2. Name a movie that you've seen multiple times in a theatre:
I'd say Brazil again, but for the sake of variety: Star Wars

3. Name an actor that would make you more inclined to see a movie:
Philip Seymour Hoffman

4. Name an actor that would make you less likely to see a movie:
Sadly, Jeremy Irons in his present form

5. Name a movie that you can quote from:
Sunset Boulevard

6. Name a movie musical that you know all the lyrics to all the songs:
The Sound of Music

7. Name a movie that you have been known to sing along with:
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

8. Name a movie that you would recommend everyone see:
Recently: Slumdog Millionaire (but ignore the final act).  Overall: Coppola's The Conversation

9. Name a movie that you own:
Citizen Kane

10. Name an actor that launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops:
The best i can come up with is Will Smith.  (are there any writers who became actors?...visual artists?)

11. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in?
Yes, but I was usually interrupted by being a teenager.

12. Ever made out in a movie?
Yes *blush* (what happens in the porn theater stays in the porn theater, baby)

13. Name a movie that you keep meaning to see but just haven't gotten around to it:
Fellini's La Dolce Vita

14. Ever walked out of a movie?
Yes.  Legends of the Fall and Thelma & Louise (although I kinda regret that now...)

15. Name a movie that made you cry in the theatre:
Every one that has a funeral, or a father / son reunion. Every. Damn. Time.  For example: The end of The Return of the Jedi (YESH!)

16. Popcorn?
Yes, but no butter.

17. How often do you go to the movies?
I try for once a week, but usually it turns out every other week.

18. What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
Clint Eastwood's Changeling

19. What is your favorite/preferred genre of movie?
These days it's war films, or films of the American New Wave (67-77).  Overall, everything, but comedy usually gets a short shrift from me.

20. What was the first movie you remember seeing in the theater?
On my own: Jason and the Argonauts, in the CFB Chatham Rec Center Cinema on a Saturday afternoon during the summer of 1974, along with 400 other sugar intoxicated, screaming, air force urchins. Ah...magical.  Escorted: Sleeping Beauty (in the same cinema!), where the transformation of the Evil Queen scared the living baby shit out of me. Thanks so much  for the soiled underoos Walt!
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