Jan 18, 2004 11:52
hey everyone whats up?
im really upset over everthing tright now! i dont think its anyones fucking buissness about me and li!!!!! look we love each other and i dont need some fucking asshole tellinmg me different! SERIOUSLY!! just piss off! LOok.. talia and i are bf's and i would NEVER purposly try to hurt her ever! or any of my best friends! i love them all! and just becuase i thought talia was flirting with elias then... dosent meen my opinion hasnt changed now! AND... it dosent meen that i wouldnt like talia! i love talia! and it was really hard for me to tell her what i felt because i didnt want her to get upset! i hate peoploe judjing my relashionships! they probably dont evenknow shit about me! and fuck i meen if ur gonna fucking post annonomysly than at least come up with some better fucking shiut to say! and u know what its all ok!
cauise i have all my best friends my family, AND A BOYFRIEND WHO LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and whoever FUICKING said that has probably had a boyfriend for a day! so i suggest u go fuck urself and find someone else to screw with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!