Dec 23, 2006 15:13
"I've made peace with the fallen leaves, I see their same fate in my own body, but I won't be frightened when I'm awoken from this dream, and returned to that which gave birth to me." ~Bright Eyes
I feel like i'm there for people who will never really be there for me. I'm always there for people to talk to, but when I need someone to turn to, they seem to withdraw. People are hypocrites. They hold themselves to different standards. Passing judgements on you for things they do all the time. It doesn't really seem fair. People fuck with my emotions. It's the worst. FYI: I'm not just here to be used and then tossed aside. I hate that I genuinely care about people who really don't care how they make me feel. But what do I matter. Remember you are the only one with emotions anyways. apparently I'm so sort of robot, incapable of feeling. Don't worry, when I get too complex to be fun and happy anymore, I didn't expect anyone to be there anyways. Sad Hannah isn't fun Hannah. I get it. I'm sorry that I can't be entertaining all the damn time. So go ahead, use up the last ounce of self-worth I had left. I didn't need it, I was just letting it go to my ego. Cry on my shoulder, when I need to cry I have a pillow. Take my love, take my friendship, take my blind affection. Take everything. I can honestly say, I just don't care anymore. Blame it on your past, blame it on a broken heart, blame it on your parents, blame it on violent video games and death metal for all I care. We live in a world of self-absorption and people who take no responsibility for themselves. Every man for himself. Remember, I'll be there standing to lend a hand to you when you need it. I'm always standing here, because I'm not quite ready to give up on people. Maybe I'm not the hottest or the most socially adaptable person. But I am worth something, because I am there for you when you need me. Loyalty, Love, Trust. I give those things to people who will never deserve them. I'm ok with that. Maybe that should get me taken more seriously, taken for granted less. It never does. And I've come to terms with it.