blinding sight.

Jan 01, 2007 22:47

I'm not you're star..
isn't that what you said?

You know I'm so against this whole new year resolution thing bcus I feel its just another excuse to lie to yourself, saying your gonna fix something you don't like & you never really go through with it. I on the other hand im reflecting on this past year 2006, & just wishing for better things to come. Honestly I think this past year was been the worst year for me in my 18 years of life so far. On so many levels.. emotionally, physical, health wise, family, friendships, just everything... so many lessons learned. I've always thought myself to be this head strong, I can handle anything type of person & I'll admit to this year getting the best of me in every way possible. I believe I've had some good laughs this year, also a lot of bad & tough times, lost my father, met some awesome people, people who stayed by me no matter what, people who weren't close to me & showed me their true colors, people who didn't have words but the look in their eyes & the touch from their hug meant the world, went to a shit load of parties, senior year of school!, got over a boy who hurt me, fell in love with a boy who made me happy, spent almost a year with him, lost a friend I thought would always be there, realized how low someone who was so close to you can actually go, lost respect for few, realized I'm not into whats " cool " at the moment, realized who was real & who was fake, became depressed at one point, got many different sickness that taught me what pain meant, learned how to be alone, spent many nights at home while everyone else I knew was out having fun getting drunk, cried my eyes out countless amount of nights, travled, went to my first baseball game, got a car, got my heart extremely broken & so much more. I don't have a new years resolution, I won't lie to myself & say this year I'm going to be stronger, bcus I'm not. I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna take anyone's shit, bcus at point .. I will. I rather just close my eyes with tears in them & wish for the best, for better things yet to come & show me what happiness with no exceptions is like. Thats my promise, I promise to take whatever comes my way with open arms. Another year to live & learn & I'm ready for whatever is coming my way, here's to another 365 days before I write another one of theses.

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