now && then?!?

Feb 17, 2007 10:29

last night was the dance. so it prettyy much sucked cuz myy mom BROKE MYY TRADiTiON. after everyy dance we go out to eat at AppleBees, i wasen`t allowed, so were going next saturdayy to make it up. Stephen asked me to go BOWWWLLLiiNGGG wit him after, i wasen`t allowed.. lol. myy dad had 2 work, so she woudlen`t let me go, i had a ride to both places.. she don`t trust me. i`m not a bad kid. except i ran awayy Thursdayy to go to his place, then to dance. but theyy caught me.
SOO much problems in myy life right now, you don`t understand.

well the dance started boring, i was supposed 2 have a pre partyy, noone was aloowed to come, that made me depressed,i cried, i feel so dumb. i cryy over the stupidest shit. myy hair looked like shit, so i had 2 do it again. i was on the phone with Stephen before his phone died, then he called me right back like a hour layyder haha.

but back to the dance, i was with like 7 other ppl, i wanted to talk 2 Stephen sooo much, but he was around his friends. soo i wanted 2 make him jealous because we didn`t talk for like the first 2 hours haha.  so i got Dana && we started doing the electric slide && the cha cha slide, then We Fly High came on, thats`z me && Stephens`z song. i got soo depressed but, so we started to freak dance && then slow songs came on, 
he looked soo pissed off. i wanted to make him jealous, but after a little while, he just looked at me && walked awayy. so i wanted to go talk to him because i didn`t mean to hurt his feelings, && he woulden`t talk to me. i almost started to cryy. then he seen me again when i wasen`t dancing && just looked at me, && seen me sad && came to talk to me, then i ran awayy because he was with his friends.

then after the dance, he came up to me && was like we need to talk. [i was with noone && he was with noone] so i put myy head on his shoulders [i had 2 stand on myy tiptoes cuz he soo tall lmao] && i said, listen i`m soo sorryy for making you mad, i didn`t mean to, i just wanted you to dance with me soo much. && i wanted you to come over there, i wanted to talk to you but i was too scared cuz ur friends were with you, i`m soo sorryy, i love you so much && you mean so much to me. he gave me a huge hug && said i`m sorryy for not talking to you either, i wanted too but your friends were around && theyy don`t like me. theyy walked right past me && said Stephen is uglyy && Ang deserves soo much better when you were in the bathroom. i got angryy. && then i said myy rides`z here, then he walked me out but he is scared 2 meet myy parents, then he was like byye creep lmao i said byye hun i`ll call u 2morrow. at least nothing didn`t get stolen this time, but lets just sayy, these dances sucked this year. Winterfest 06 was the best dance NFHS had. but i still had fun, but i let him ruin myy night. i don`t want a boyy 2 ruin myy fun. && then his NiCE friends came up to me && were like do u wanna go out with Stephen?!? i smiled && said no lol [u could tell i was lyying] && Stephen started to laugh haha.

he looked SO good though, omg. i just wanted to kiss him soo much, but i`m scareddd!! he was soo cute omg, i wanted to cryy, i never seen him dressed up. && NO i backed out on askin him out. i told u i`m scared.. && i will never ask a dude out. but i gave hints.. lol

i can`t WAiT til saturdayy. 
i want it to be && him but, oh well. were gonna be with like 100 other people. but oh well. hes`z got a ride with me, mayybe me && him can go bowwwliiinnggg after. i`ll ask him tonight.

no school mon. && tue. HALF DAYYS`Z all next dayys`z! woot woot. but yeah, i love him so much. i want him to be mine.

i hope myy future looks`z better then myy past.. :/

psst, new layyout also. finallyy.

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