flist feel free to ignore :D interfandom debate. this is fun

May 29, 2007 13:19

D: My internet went down before I could post! You can imagine how salsjdflasjeo that made me. xD This was written like four hours ago.

Time Warner is fail. :O )


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kamichan_ya3 May 30 2007, 11:47:12 UTC
Okay, where do I start...

So it's not a matter of age. It's a matter of experience that I'm talking about.
That's exactly my point. I didn't read it like that in your other post, or myabe I just didn't get it (you must forgive me, English is only my 3rd language). Okay, so we're on the same page here.

I don't like that you tweaked my words. Or perhaps they were misconstrued? "I hate Kat-tun", Kat-tun fans will then hate Ya-Ya-yah just to pay you back. That is definitely not what I was saying.
What you were saying was "Don't diss the sempais. [...] sempai fans (especially those not very familiar with your lesser group) will also look down on the group you favor in turn." Replace "sempais" with "KAT-TUN" and "the group you favor" with "Ya-Ya-yah" and you have pretty much what I was saying.

Say someone you didn't know- someone you had just met- said they hated your best, best friend. Wouldn't you be inclined to start off with bad feelings towards them? You'd be inclined to have a preconceived negative opinion of them before ever getting to properly know them.
Yeah, but if that happened, I'd hate that other person, and not their friends. So if I say "I hate KAT-TUN" (which by the I don't, I like them better than broccoli), KAT-TUN fans should hate ME, and not the things I favor. That was my point.

So if you were to meet someone that really loved your best, best friend- someone who thought they were really intelligent, artistic, creative, whatever- wouldn't you be inclined to think highly of your new acquaintance as well? They have good taste after all!

Okay, granted. But I'd still have no opinion whatsoever about that new acquaintences friends that I don't know.

However, I've had strong and beautiful friendships in my life that started out with the other person calling me an asshole. Didn't hurt our later friendship at all. While I will concede that first impressions are important and usually stick for a long time, everybody should be so open-minded as to get to know a person past that first impression before they pass final judgement.

I didn't say I hate you. Er... I'm pretty sure I didn't.
No, you didn't. Why would anybody hate me? XD

Everything was seriously ad-libbed and random and they all fooled around. CUTE. Akama and Hoshino did this thing with Kame... AHAHAHA. I seriously giggled madly. So the clip you have was taken out of context and it was assumed (ah, this word again) that KAT-TUN were mean, terrible, or strange people. xD I'll try to upload it because it was fun and I think it would put things into perspective for those who haven't seen it.
It DID put things into perspective for me, because I hadn't seen that at the time I was writing that entry. All that fooling around WAS cute, and I'd like to post that video you uploaded to Youtube on my blog (if that's okay with you), so other people can get that perspective too so they end up loving KAT-TUN.

Opinions are good. Hating is bad. I wouldn't consider your "hate" for Jin hate anyway. It's more like... dislike.
That's what I was saying. I hate Jin like I hate broccoli, which means I don't really hate it, I just don't like it. Him. Whatever. (Did that just sound like I was referring to Jin as "it"? XD)

I'm sorry you don't like broccoli btw. :/ Perhaps you have not tried it cooked really well?
Oh, you have to cook it?

Let me know if you want to download it, and I'll up it asap.
You know, that would be really cool. Thanks.^^


kamichan_ya3 May 30 2007, 11:52:04 UTC
There's a word missing in my comment. Here it is:


I'm sure you'll know where to put it.^^


imwahyou May 30 2007, 16:39:31 UTC
Okay, so we're on the same page here.
xD I'm glad that's cleared now. You're right that I didn't clarify in my first post, but that was because I was ranting to my flist and I figured I didn't need to justify what I was saying with evidence or whatever. xD

you must forgive me, English is only my 3rd language
Yay for multilingual...ness. xD English is my 2nd language. Or 3rd... it's sketchy because I was so young. >__> xD But I assume you meant that you didn't grow up speaking English, and for that, I really, really admire you. (In other words, I fail at mastering languages. Like Japanese. D: xD)

What you were saying was...
So I was misunderstood. :] And this time around, I backed it with my spiel about Arashi/KAT-TUN fans rubbing each other the wrong why. That's why I said what I said. I guess, again, it was the context in which I said it?

KAT-TUN fans should hate ME, and not the things I favor.
I saw this coming. Maybe I should have grouped/arranged things so that my arguments connected. xD And of course, I agree with what you are saying, but that's not the way a good percent of other fans think. These are the people I'm concerned with. Because a lot of times, these people have a lot of influence on the fandom too. Like this girl... (gah, will mentioning names get me into trouble? xD She is feisty and I'm kinda terrified of her cause she can't be reasoned with.) who likes YamaPi and Toma. She really hates Koki, and her dedicated little minion readers follow every word she says and a lot of them just automatically agree. I daresay many of them have never given Koki a chance. Part of it of course is because they respect her for having a lot of knowledge about her JE boys and she puts in a lot of work to compile information and analyze it. But, she is very opinionated and I personally find some of her opinions very arbitrary. However, she never fails to speak as she pleases and the gullible readers just devour it without question.
Anyway. In our fandom, sadly, things get hated on by proximity. Again, because KAT-TUN fans were rude to Arashi fans, Arashi fans hated KAT-TUN fans and KAT-TUN. I... don't know how else to explain it. It defies all logic I can comprehend and I don't condone it, but the fact remains that it happens, and it happens often.

This is why I still stand by my original argument. :]

everybody should be so open-minded as to get to know a person past that first impression before they pass final judgement.
You imagine a very ideal world. :/
(xD But I'm glad you've been able to have wonderful relationships like that. :D I don't know what I'd do with myself if someone called me and asshole. It'd just be... weird? Maybe because I'm a girl. Maybe I'd just cry about it instead of getting angry. Lol. I guess, what I'm saying is I can't see myself in a situation like that because I can't imagine it happening in the first place? Sorry, babbling.)

I didn't say I hate you. Er... I'm pretty sure I didn't.
XD I just noticed that I have no idea why I said that. But it remains true. 8D


imwahyou May 30 2007, 16:39:47 UTC
I'd like to post that video you uploaded to Youtube on my blog
Go for it. :D Haha, I'm not even asking for people to like KAT-TUN. xD It's just the impression I get from a lot of fan- by the way they write.. I always feel like they haven't had a proper at look KAT-TUN, or NEWS, or whoever. Of course, I could be so wrong because I can't possibly know who has seen what and I can't possibly know why they hold grudges against Jin, Pi, or Kame etc. And in that I mean, they always seem to have something bad to say about ____ and they seem to think the worst of them in any situation. Gah, this is becoming muddled. But I think fans only act like this because they haven't given ____ a chance. Story: I'm a converted YamaPi fan. The only reason I used to not like him was because I never gave him a chance. All the NEWS things I watched, I would get annoyed that he was always front and center because I didn't understand why anyone liked him over Shige and I already had a bias against him. I would always secretly applaud people who bashed him. But then months later I finally watched a few things with him that really showed his personality and attractive points and I couldn't help becoming attached. *shrug* So I "hated" him because I never saw him clearly as who he is. I always tried to look past him, but I couldn't and so I got annoyed of him and refused to give him a chance. Am I making any sense? (Let me know if I'm not, so I can ramble some more and hopefully eventually have some kind of clear message. xD)

(Did that just sound like I was referring to Jin as "it"? XD)
Haha, maybe? @__@
The thing is though, I think it's really easy for people to take the way you used the word "hate" and misunderstand, because you've never stated it clearly like that. And still, because you're a reputable blogger with a lot of readers, I can bet that a lot of people will take your opinion, treat it as their own, and never give it a second thought. This bothers me a lot, and I certainly don't have proof that it happens with your readers, but I always get this sinking feeling that I could be right. The antecedent up there with Koki is the reason for my concern.

Oh, you have to cook it?
xPPP Seriously, my mother makes the best broccoli. I eat it like cake. ;D



kamichan_ya3 May 31 2007, 15:37:23 UTC
Yay for multilingual...ness.
The word you were looking for is "multilingualityishness". Or something. XD

English is my 2nd language. Or 3rd... it's sketchy because I was so young.
Oh really? What are the other two?

So I was misunderstood. :]
Don't worry. It happens to me all the time.

I agree with what you are saying, but that's not the way a good percent of other fans think. These are the people I'm concerned with. Because a lot of times, these people have a lot of influence on the fandom too.
Exactly. And that's why I think it's important to speak your mind, especiall if you have a popular blog or LJ, like you seem to think I do.

You imagine a very ideal world. :/
I know. I'm a dreamer. But it takes dreamers to make the world a better place, not people who are always like "Why bother, it won't happen anyway". You see, I'm also very naive, and it works just fine for me.^^

I'm a converted YamaPi fan. The only reason I used to not like him was because I never gave him a chance.
Same here. When I started out in the JE fandom I didn't know anything, and I just hated him because everybody else did. I didn't give him a chance, but he took it anyway. I saw him in Stand Up! and Nobuta wo produce and Kurosagi, and at first I hated it that I kept thinking "He's not that bad really". It was actually his performance in Nobuta wo produce that turned me around. I thought it was awesome, and while I still don't love him I do respect him a lot now.

And still, because you're a reputable blogger with a lot of readers, I can bet that a lot of people will take your opinion, treat it as their own, and never give it a second thought.
I know. It's a lot of responsibility, and that's why I keep promoting that "speak your mind", "think for yourself", and "give people a chance, or even two or three" attitude. I really enjoy people agreeing with me, but I want them to agree with me because they made up their own mind and not because they're to lazy to think for themselves.

And finally, a word about the subject of this post: never thought i would get to be part of interfandom debate. this is fun
It IS fun, isn't it? I think this whole debate was very enjoyable and inspring. But only so because you seem to be an open-minded person. I can't appreciate this enough. Thank you. ^^


imwahyou May 31 2007, 16:09:45 UTC
HAHA, YES THAT. ty. It will come in handy one day. 8D

What are the other two?
Actually I wonder if you would even count them as separate languages, but oh well. xD Mandarin and Cantonese. What other languages do you speak? German and...? (Forgive me if I completely fail and you don't even speak German. xD)

like you seem to think I do
So then it's good that you do what you believe in, yeah? :D

it takes dreamers to make the world a better place
Mmm, what a romantic thought. I always used to think I was a idealist, but I don't know what happened to that. (JE broke my heart too many times. ;D) For now, I've settled on a happy medium. But I'm happy your outlook is so optimistic. It's refreshing in a dreary world. :]

Nobuta was so silly and cute. alj;flajd;lf ♥ I... didn't even watch Kurosagi because I got bored. @___@
I still don't love him I do respect him a lot now. Yay! :D

that's why I keep promoting that "speak your mind"...
Thank you for that by the way. :]

Very, very fun. :D
very enjoyable and inspring.
iawtc. :] And again, thank you for the very same reasons. ♥


kamichan_ya3 May 31 2007, 17:39:28 UTC
What other languages do you speak?
In the order of having learned them: German, Latin, English, French, Spanish, HTML, Japanese.
In the order of my proficiency: German, English, HTML, Latin, Japanese, French, Spanish.

So then it's good that you do what you believe in, yeah? :D

iawtc. :] And again, thank you for the very same reasons. ♥
I actually had to look up what "iawtc" means. Oh well...

I think we deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for this debate.


imwahyou May 31 2007, 17:55:45 UTC
Woooow. *admiration*
Oh wait, so HTML counts? xD Does Java? 8D (Haha, I think speaking fangirl is pretty special too.)

Loll. The first time I saw 'iawtc,' I had to think for a second and then it was like oh.

For reals. 8D


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