Male Birth Control

Mar 26, 2008 09:43

A news video posted on ( has announced that a male birth control pill will be released as soon as early next year.

Some key facts:
  • Small doses of testosterone and progestin that will decrease sperm levels
  • Must be taken everyday for about 3 months before it becomes effective (or 1 injection/month for 3 months)
  • 98% effective
  • 50% of men say they would take it

Possible side effects: 
  • Weight gain (4-10 lbs), but in lean muscle mass
  • Possible lowering of HDL (good cholesterol)

My opinion?  This is fantastic news!  Not only is it good just as another option to have for contraception, but I think it's great that the "responsibility" of not being pregnant can now be shared.  I know a lot of women who have difficulties with their birth control pills b/c the hormones don't respond well to their bodies; it's good to hear that a non-barrier method of contraception can still be an option for these couples now that the man can take the pill instead.

But only 50% of men are willing to try?  What's the deal?  I've read that a lot of men are uneasy with the idea of suppressing their sperm count?  Really?  REALLY?

Male BC suppresses sperm production.  Female BC suppresses ovulation (ie, egg production).  Men produce millions of sperm a day and continue to produce well into their 80's (albeit at a lower rate).  Women produce 1 egg per month and stop at menopause, usually in their 50's.  Give me a break.

Guys, would you take a birth control pill?

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