Apr 21, 2005 23:58
yeah so, as usual...me and mary have the most amazingly wonderful conversations. so this was at the end of our conversation, when mary claimed she was gonna go to bed...then we got into a whole new subject:
marezdotes8: allright, i'm goin to bed
marezdotes8: cya lata smitzogater!
MUNKEE14: later mares
marezdotes8: i wonder what a smitzogater would look like...
marezdotes8: shutupbrain
MUNKEE14: o mares
marezdotes8: o margs
marezdotes8: but i bet'd it have like a water bottle on it's nose
MUNKEE14: i think it might be kind of a rusty color
marezdotes8: probably
marezdotes8: and it'd squirt out seltzer water only
MUNKEE14: would it drink seltzer water?
MUNKEE14: or could it drink plain water...
marezdotes8: AND CONVERT IT!
MUNKEE14: omg that would be amazing
MUNKEE14: we should go hunting for one
MUNKEE14: we could probably make a lot of money with its seltzer water
MUNKEE14: it would be the best
marezdotes8: soo delicious
marezdotes8: and it'd probably make a noise like this "huuughckkkayyyygggg"
MUNKEE14: omg, and we could make a commercial..and in the commercial, we could probably make the sound, because we are like...expert animal sound makers
marezdotes8: DEFINTILY!
marezdotes8: we could keep them in your pond!
marezdotes8: and leave out little floaties in case it has babis!
MUNKEE14: ok, we're going hunting later. its official
MUNKEE14: yes!!
marezdotes8: oh, most definitly
MUNKEE14: wow, this will be amazing
marezdotes8: wittle smitzobabies
MUNKEE14: we can name them!!
MUNKEE14: i call naming one of them george
marezdotes8: hm...
marezdotes8: and one of them jewemy
marezdotes8: not like jew though
marezdotes8: like jeh-wemmy
marezdotes8: i mean, it could be jewish
MUNKEE14: like, jeremy with a baby voice
marezdotes8: yeaaa
marezdotes8: but said like an adult
MUNKEE14: yaaaaay
MUNKEE14: yeah
marezdotes8: ahoooray!
MUNKEE14: and also, i think one should be named matilda
MUNKEE14: because it sounds like a good name
marezdotes8: it really does
marezdotes8: i think we could pencil matilda in
marezdotes8: aaaasalllright, as much fun as this is, i am very tired
MUNKEE14: ok
marezdotes8: so i'll ttyl and we'll plan the hunt
marezdotes8: a peaceful hunt
MUNKEE14: yes!!
marezdotes8: no killing involved
MUNKEE14: obviously
marezdotes8: cept for maybe a few bugs we might step on
marezdotes8: they will be the casualties
MUNKEE14: well, nobody likes bugs anyway
marezdotes8: cept for maybe anteaters
marezdotes8: allright, goodnight margs!
MUNKEE14: night