May 28, 2004 15:03
Here comes another boring weekend!! Fuck man! Anyways I'm really fucking board and I just got out of school! Whats that all about! Hmm... Joey came over after school yesterday! I went to my moms! And him and his friend helped me pack! It was nice to see him again! He broke up with his girlfriend! And now we are talking again! I have yet another history project that I have to do!! I got the TIGHTEST fucking fishy tank in my room! Its so ill!
There is a very logical reason why I don't have frineds that are girls!! Its because they are nothing but drama!!! Alright, if you wanna hear this drama then read on.... but I hardly have this bullshit so this happens very rarely!! Anyways, there is this bitch Amanda, who is a constant liar!! Anything out of her mouth is bullshit! Anyways, she talked mad shit about MY BEST FRIEND!! Not hers!! She was never her best friend! So, Amanda if you read this you guys were NEVER ever best friends! Good friends maybe but not best! Anyways, she talked all this shit to our friend Angie! Saying Kendal's annoying and she wants Angie to be her best friend again! Well, Angie told Kendal and yeah! Well, it of course dosn't end there! Angie has this boyfriend, guy shes seeing, I'm not sure! But Amanda texted him a lot! And told him she loved him and they should get married! That was a BIG no-no! And Amanda wants everyones nuts! So, guys watch out! She's not hard to miss! She's short and VERY plump!! Lol!! I don't know any nice way to say it! And she FOR SURE shouldn't be wearing skirts! I don't know how many people come up to me and tell me to tell her not to wear a skirt! But yeah, thats it!! That's all the drama! Thats all the drama I've had in a LONG time! And thanks goddness the school year is almost over!! Well, other then that lifes cheery besides the fact that I am grounded!!
Anywhos, I hope you all have a very awesome weekend!! And be safe don't drink and drive!!! I love you all!!! Kendal you are beautiful!! Muah!!!