So I caved...

Jun 09, 2005 11:54

I thought I would get out seeing Mr & Mrs Smith because of how I really, really, definitely do not want to see it. I am too much of a softie though, because Youngju just wrote to me saying how she really, really wants to see and has no one else to go with. Now I'm going to be stuck in a cinema for 2 hours watching that piece of shit.

I don't know why I'm so opposed to this film but I really am. Maybe because everyone is telling me how fantastic it is and that I'll love it. I hate being told that I'll love things. I make it a point not to. I don't think I've liked a hyped-up film since I was about 14.

On the upside, I get to meet up with Youngju, which was looking like it may not happen until Dianne gets back. So that's a yay.

I ordered 5 CDs from HMV and they arrived yesterday. I saw them in Red Eye but I didn't buy them there because I thought I could earn some EmailCash points through HMV (which I did). Here's the weirdness - I had no idea these albums were even out yet.

I bought:
Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks "Face the Truth"
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals "Cold Roses"
Weezer "Make Believe"
Oasis "Don't Believe the Truth"
The White Stripes "Get Behind Me Satan"

I wasn't paying close attention to all of them but my first impressions were that the Ryan Adams and Oasis ones are awesome. AWESOME, especially the Oasis one. I liked their last one but was disappointed with Be Here Now and Standing On The Shoulder of Giants, so this was a relief/surprise.

The only thing that pissed me off about the Ryan Adams one is how there's a bonus track called "Tonight". Now, if it were truly a bonus track, I shouldn't know what it's called. It shouldn't be listed on the back - it should be a surprise I discover 6 months later when I accidentally leave the CD running. In this case, "bonus track" seems to mean "track we couldn't be arsed to print the lyrics to". Because that's the only special thing about this "bonus track".

It pains me to say this, given how I love Rivers Cuomo so and because I hate to be one of "those fans" who criticises everything a band does past their second album, but the Weezer one is so far "okay" and that's about it. I will have to relisten because I didn't like "Maladroit" first and it took some time to grow on me. Mind you, I still don't like that one as much as "Pinkerton".

The Stephen Malkmus and The White Stripes ones were the ones I was only half-paying attention to. I will say this though: The White Stripes one uses that smelly paper (which I actually like) for its sleeve and the Stephen Malkmus one, in contrast to everything else he's ever released (bar one Pavement album) has lyrics!
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