Feb 16, 2005 08:41
well i haven't updated in a while so i will go over the last week briefly, i haven't gotten any news from the insurance but on sunday i hurt my back rearranging the furniture in my living room. So yesterday i went to the chiropractor, they did an exam and took some x-rays of my back. So today the x-rays came back and i have two different twisted spots in my spine, one in my lower back and one in my neck. The chiropractor said that i may have scoliosis. I'm not that worried becuase i have to go to the chiropractor everyday this week and then three times a week for two weeks. I'm hoping they fix my back soon becuase i don't want to have to go to the chiropractor more than i have to. Everything between me and Amanda is going great we are both really happy and i love her soo much. Jose we need to hang out soon but i don't think my car is going to be working by the end of this week. Because today when i was driving to school my car was leaking transmission fluid and it wasn't just a little leak it was a huge gushing flow of fluid. I had been parked for only like five minutes and their was a huge puddle about a foot by a foot wide. I really hope that i can make it to my chiropractor appointment and then home after school becuase that shit would suck if i had to call my grandma and have her come pick me up. I don't want that car to breakdown because i need to have a car becuase i have to get to school. Today in school shouldn't be bad just really boring as usual. I'm really tired becuase of the chiropractor it makes me tired and i don't really know why. Amanda told me it was probably becuase it is so relaxing and stuff which makes sense becuase it is really relaxing. Well i'm off now it's time for me to get some work done becuase drawing is so much damn fun. Jose give me a call this week sometime later.