Oct 22, 2007 22:41
i had a wonderful time being home. wonderful indeed. i think that today will be one of those days that ill remember my entire life. i almost died a lot. or well was seriously injured a lot. on my way home from philly this morning i was crossing a street and this guy in a pickup truck turned in my direction and just kept going, he was looking right at me and i was looking right at him, yet he acted like i didnt even exist. i called him a douche and he yelled "im sorry" in a real asshole-like tone as if i was the bitch for walking.. so then i got a little closer to the speedline station (south and 8th i believe) and i saw this man dressed really nicely and thought about how much of a crackhead i looked with my dirtiness and nasty hair. and he starts to cross the street in his full suit and tie and little mobster hat. and someone does the exact same thing to him. i had my headphones on so i didnt exactly hear what had happened so i took out one of my earbuds. then i noticed how he kind of had a bit of a swagger in his step so i thought oh maybe hes just some old drunk guy yelling at cars.. but then he turned around and started talking about kids and the way they have no respect. (i know it sounds like every miserable old man: "damn kids") but it was true and i had never actually thought about how disrespectful people are. we walked and talked about people and family and jobs and all sorts of things togther until he got to where he was going which happened to be the hospital. there i told him it was nice to meet him and that he had made my day and offered a handshake and he gave me a big hug. i love old people. and i love philly. and i love home. ill see you in a month, but if you cant wait youre super welcome n my house. whenever you like.<3