Mar 25, 2010 12:39

A recent matter appears to have spurred some discussion, and considering my involvement, I suppose that since one person has already apparently made his views quite public, it is only fair that I do the same, only conversely I will have the backbone to make it so that he can view and respond to my remarks.

To keep it brief I will spare you my usual style for something a little more stilted.

Some nights ago, my item warned me of my Inmate being in danger, and naturally I armed myself and went seeking him first in his cabin, which is where I found him, along with Captain Swing, who had bound and was presently torturing him, using a sharpened implement of some crude form to cut him open in multiple places. There was so much blood I could smell it upon entering the room. I spoke, alerting the culprit of my presence, and when I saw the whites of his eyes, I shot him.

I do not deny my doing so. I would also say that I do not apologize, but I do, quite humbly, to his Warden, because he is charged with Swing's protection and discipline, and by what laws the Wardens like to collectively hold one another to, I have therefore overstepped my bounds in defense of my own Inmate.

I did not find out about an incident between the two after the fact and seek Swing out to retaliate. I did not follow a lead built up on rumor and speculation and move to correct it. I did not attack an innocent. My Inmate was being flayed alive, and I acted. This is not a choice that I take lightly -- I have not killed a man since I was younger than all but a few of you on this ship, when I served my country in times of war. And as I intimated to Professor Snape in private conversation, if I were to have found an enemy combatant in the tent of a soldier for whom I was responsible, doing the same as Captain Swing was doing, I would have still done what I did a few nights ago.

I will conclude by re-iterating this: The well-being of my Inmate, and his continued progress, is of the utmost importance to me, and I intend to continue to protect him aggressively. That is fair warning to anyone who might intend to harm him, because for some of you it takes knowing that much to convince you to use common sense and forgo violence. That is not to say that every slight against him earns a pistol shot. If he has attacked you, then inform me, and I will punish him. If you defend yourself against his attack, he will be punished. No one here can claim I spoil my Inmate. I do not.

Torture, however, is not a defensive measure. If I had  caught anyone in Swing's position that night, they would be recovering from death toll right now.

All of this having been said, I submit myself to whatever measures the other Wardens see fit to level against me, though I maintain that the Doctor really is the only one with the right to state what those should be.

[Private to Iago]

...I do not know how you are recovering, but I shall come in to check on you soon. I am concerned, however, that the other Wardens may attempt to re-sort you over this. I will do my best to see to it this does not happen, but I apologize, Iago, if my rash decision comes to harm you further.

see me be indignant!, best warden ever, marquis hearts his inmate, the marquis is bitching you out, warden marquis!, worried marquis is worried

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