[The Marquis sounds unusually calm, but very cold and suggestively severe.]
I require the immediate assistance of the medical staff in
room 8 on Level 7. Supplies enough for one man of average size with severe injuries and lacerations will be needed, and two gurneys.
[He doesn't sound injured himself.]
The Warden of one 'Swing' may wish to petition the Admiral for his return.
(ooc: KATES I'M SORRY MY WARDENS KEEP SHOOTING FOUR'S INMATES. Swing was torturing Iago. The Marquis happened to check Iago's room first when his Item suggested trouble. The Marquis blew his head off. Anybody living on either side of Iago will have likely heard a gunshot if they were around at that time. And notice no filters. He doesn't mind who hears.)