(no subject)

Apr 26, 2006 22:06

Placement is tiring, but not as bad as i thought...just very time/thought-consuming. I tend to go to bed at 10pm cuz i get tired, so my life tends to revolve around teaching...i had a good observation report though :)

Just been to see Silent Hill - it was good because it was similar to the game, but the storyline was just silly, im not even going to try and work it out!

I complained to camp america about my interviewer - they replied saying she gave me a gleaming report. How bizarre. If she thought i was that great, could she not have smiled at me once in a while and not spoke to me like i was shit and made me nearly cry? Grr. And if i got such a good report, why didnt any camp directors want to hire me?

Im beginning to think i should be a christian to get by in life - this is what working in a catholic school does to you!

Anyway..its bed time i think xxx
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