Apr 22, 2006 12:19
Woohoo my loans come through! Im now only £150 into my overdraft, thank goodness! lol
Im resisting the temptation to go to town and spend lots of money, but this has got to last me until september, so i wont.
At least ill be spending bugger all over the next 5 weeks because im gonna be burning myself out on placement..im really stressing about it, i dont know why i hate it so much, but i do. Ive been trying to create a science medium term plan consisting of 10 lessons, but i was told im only teaching 1 lesson a week of it and another teacher will be doing the other 5, so i feel all pressurised as she'll be working from my plans..its on the topic of "Keeping healthy" and its hard becuase theres certain things they dont need to know, like about fat/protein/carbs etc, but they need to know that we need Meat for our bodies to repair etc, and how am i meant to teach that without mentioning the main food groups? Plus, without any depth like that it would last all of about, 20 minutes, and ive gotta drag this out for an hours lesson..
And last term my class teacher was going "Well, i think it would be good for you to get as much teaching as possible, so we'll try to get you teaching a couple of lessons a day" and im like what you mean is it'll be good for YOU as you get lots of time off. I, however, will be spending most evenings and weekends when im not at work PLANNING because im still a student and still have to really think about and research all my plans, so it takes me a good couple of hours to plan one fucking lesson. Im happy to TEACH as much as possible, but the planning behind it is phenomenal... i will not have a life.
Any of you thinking "Well thats what its going to be like when your a teacher, but worse!" is wrong - as a teacher you have access to websites that at the moment i have to pay for which give you lesson plans etc, plus itll be MY class so i can choose what to teach when, and theres not the same pressure to get it spot on according to somebody elses standards. Plus ill be quicker at it as ill have practice, and will be able to build up a store of past plans to reuse and adapt...and i dont have to plan in such detail and evaluate everything etc etc for my link tutor from uni whom i havent even spoken to yet.
And then they do really irritating little things, like saying "We dont have phone conversations in the staff room" so i can NEVER ring work back when they ring me as they all go home at lunchtime. And "Staff dont usually leave until around 4.30, and the head doesnt like people to rush off." Well she can FUCK OFF then cant she, as im not spending an extra hour hanging around here doing NOTHING when i could be at home getting a headstart on the mountain of planning i need to do? Grrrr. Im not a bloody teacher, im a student, give me a little bit of bloody leeway.
Anyway..enough of that for the weekend!
Im borrowing a cafetiere from my mum to make fresh coffee and its yummy. Im definately going to be one of those middle aged people who invites people round for dinner and has posh coffee afterwards!
I got up about half an hour ago, im really pushing the boundaries of my weekend to savour every minute of freedom lol Ive got SO used to being lazy for a month that i just dont want to work again, ever lol
I did holiday club at work the last couple of days, it was okay but i wasnt leading so it just got boring...and was working with a guy who goes to drama school in london and says its the top school in the world, i doubt it somehow considering ive never heard of it and its hardly likely to be above RADA and Italia Conti and Silvia Young. He was a bit of a conceited posh arse. And hes nowhere near good looking enough to make it, meh. IM JEALOUS! lol
Hmm i dont know what to do with my day today...tomorrow im going to my mums for a Sunday Roast which im looking forward to so much, my life seriously revolves around food lol Today im gonna sit and have some coffee and watch shipwrecked and browse the internet, then make some lunch, then have a big long bath and generally chill out...i might have to go to beeston to get electricity at some point as i think its gonna cut out lol
Olis buggered off and its been his turn to do the pots for about a week so the kitchen is a shit hole but i refuse to do it as i always end up doing it when its somebody elses turn.
Sorry this whole post has been really moany and petty lol
Im suprisingly looking forward to moving home for the summer...hopefully my dad wont be too much of an arse, and if he isnt it should be quite nice. Im gonna put an advert up somewhere in nuthall and say im available for babysitting through aughust, as long as its local and i can get there, so hopefully ill be able to get a bit of extra cash as i wont be working at ROKO over the summer it costs too much to get there...but i told my bosses yesterday and they were being really complementary and saying there'll be work for me when im back just to let them know, and that im really reliable :)
Everyone agrees with me about camp america, it was just gonna be too late notice. Im not even upset, at least ive got a summer to look forward too now! I got over being dissapointed a while ago when id been waiting months to hear from them.
Ive just realised shipwrecked is a repeat, bugger.
Anyway thats all from me...very boring i know lol