Chapter Seven
Title: Unintentional Consequences
Genre/Pairing: Xander/Graham, Lorne/Sheppard
Spoilers: Vague Season 4 Tabula Rasa SGA, Post-Chosen Buffy
Summary: Xander, Andrew and Faith find themselves in the Pegasus Galaxy and inadvertently help two men find each other
Disclaimer: Buffy and all themes and characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Stargate with all themes and characters belong to MGM. No copy right intended
Xander eyed the gate wearily, he was unsure that water, which stayed vertical and glowy, should be trusted. Oh sure he had been through it before but he was unconscious, with a bullet wound at the time, and yes it was more towards the flesh wound in the gun injury spectrum then a hole through the shoulder, but still bullet. This whole thing seemed sketchy to him.
Andrew was twittering on about some show call Wormhole-Xtreme, apparently it was only on the air for one season before being cancelled, to cheesy sci-fi even for Xander.
Great idea for a cover story, who would of believed that something like this would be real? They should produce one season of a TV show about teenage girls who fight the forces of darkness. Nobody would believe it. It would be perfect. Xander make a mental note to talk to the senior members of the council, and then returned his attention back to the scene in front of him.
“It’s such a rush Boytoy you’re gonna love it.” Faith said before she took off through the gate at a run, once the wormhole stabilised. She jumped with a twist as if she were showing off at the neighbour hood pool party.
The others followed more sedately until there was only Evan, John, and Xander left. Evans sauntered backwards, grabbed Xander’s hand, and tugged it just a little. “Come on Xan, you’ll love it” Then stepped through the gate backwards.
“Show-offs” Xander huffed at their antics.
John noticed this and felt a slight itch at their physical closeness, before he decided to take the high road. Which came about in the form of giving Xander a not quite gentle-gentle shove into the gate, he grinned a little cockily to himself and stepped in after him.
Xander’s accelerated trip through the gate caused a chain of events that John had not anticipated. The scene he stepped into was Evan cradling a slightly green Xander in his arms and before John could ask what was going on, Xander puke all over his shoes.
“Are you ok?” Evan asked arms still around Xander, smoothing his hair back from is forehead.
“Is he ok! He just puked all over my boots! Gah!” John tried to shake off the offending substance, but to little avail.
“Well if you hadn’t a pushed me might not have happened!” Xander replied petulantly.
Flushing at the truth of the statement and the look Evan gave him, he replied “It wasn’t a push, it was just an encouraging... pat.” With nothing but silence, smirks, and raised eyebrows from the group he muttered. “First time’s always the worst anyhow...”
After a quick rinsing of the mouth and shoes they headed off towards the village to meet Teyla’s people.
Upon arriving John was surprised at the formality the Scoobies showed in greeting the village, there were no jokes or obnoxious interruptions. The Scoobies gave formal blessings to the health and families of the village. It was diplomatic and managed to scare the crap outta John, because these people had more facets to their personalities than Baskin Robins had ice cream flavours.
The day spent was spent mingling, trading stories, and making arrangements for trade for clothing and weapons.
Faith was engaged in sparring with those who were willing when she noticed Rodney watching them so she decided to drag him over to participate.
“No, nonononono, I don’t spar, I don’t fight, no.” Rodney was flushed red and terrified, she could smell it. He was afraid, afraid of being hurt, of showing his weakness, of failing. To his surprise she didn’t mock him, there was no trace of her biting sarcasm and sharp remarks.
“Ok, like this Rodney think of it like dancing’”
Arms waving in denial he tells her, “I don’t dance.”
Moving very slowly she delivers blow at him, his arm comes up in defence when he realizes that she’s not going to stop, even if she is just going really, really slowly. This does not help his embarrassment at all. She moves his arm into the correct position her gaze very serious, burning into his. He swallows hard as she steps back, does the same move a little faster, but it’s still very slowly.
They repeat the move until she is satisfied he understands before they move on to the next, and once he has it she combines the two getting him to move seamlessly from one to the next. People have gathered to watch so she explains what and why she is doing. To her pleasure as well as Rodney’s he is actually learning without the terror that he normally has.
Andrew found where the people were preparing the feast for the night and tries to join in the preparations.
“Why are you wanting to cook, they want to make it for you, so why not let them? Let’s go spar with Faith and the others.” Ronon says eyes on Faith and her partner
Andrew huffs, “No, there is more to culture and people than fighting, food is life. It brings us all together and brings us to the same level we all need it to live, and grow, and, and- heal it’s... integral. And intimate you can learn more about a person in the preparation and consumption of food than anywhere else.” The Athosian’s smiled at Andrew for his fervour, not all warriors often appreciated the effort that went into meal. They welcomed him in and began to teach him of the foods that they would be working with.
Ronon was astonished after his years of running he forgot what it was like passionate over something so trivial as food, but watching Andrew inspect, probe, and smell everything on the table made him stop and remember. Remembering brought an ache that he had suppressed over the years. He settled on a chair hoping that the ache he could feel would turn into even just a little of the passion for something other than destruction and pain.
John had been chatting with Teyla and Kanaan when they noticed Faith and Rodney. Smiling and chuckling a little he went to go watch, Teyla put her hand on his arm and shook her head slightly knowing how sensitive Rodney was about his fighting abilities.
John just shook her off and wandered closer. When it turned out that the crowd was enthralled, not amused and that Faith was set and deathly serious about what she was teaching, it wasn’t as fun for him. He turned to say something to Teyla and Kanaan, but they had disappeared from the vicinity.
Spying Lorne huddled with several children by one of the tents he smiled and sauntered over to join them. Sure there he was with kids, but there was no Xander. He counted that as a win.
Before he could make it over to group Evan clapped very quietly and they dispersed, disappearing into the trees and amongst the villagers. Unable to see where Evan had gone, John wandered around until he spied Jinto, even though he hadn’t been in Evan’s huddle he set out to see if Jinto knew what they were doing.
Wandering up to the child, who had his back to him, John was surprised when the kid spun planting both hands on him. John was to stunned to know what to say.
“You’re wounded!” Jinto exclaimed. When John continued to look puzzled the kid put his hands on his hips and stamped his foot petulantly. “You’re supposed to sit on the ground and wait for your medic to come and help you.”
“Huh?” John said as eloquent as always.
“You’re the enemy! I will not fail to keep the flag safe from you.”
“I’m not trying to steal any flag.” John said peering around looking for something resembling a flag.
“Sure you’re not, that’s what the enemy would say. Loll me into trusting you, then bam! Stolen flag! We were warned about you’re kind.” The exclamation went with flailing arms.
John tried several more times to extract an answer and was met with stony silence. When he went to leave and find Evan he was called a cheater. Crossing his arms he sat as he was told to and stared at the child who was ignoring him in favour of sentry duty.
Out of the corner of his eye John saw two shapes creeping this way and debated whether or not to say anything since he wasn’t sure what was going on. Jinto straighten imperceptibly indicating he knew that he was being stalked. Two people emerged from the surrounding area, Xander and Wex. They went to split and circle Jinto when another child dropped from the trees flanking them.
“Tagan, Wex is their medic.” Flashing his eyes towards John.
“He’s not ours.” Xander states as he and Wex slowly draw closer so that they can be back-to-back and be able to keep an eye on their opposition.
“You lie.” Jinto replies.
Xander sucks in a breath and looks mildly offended at that, “Am not.”
“No reason to believe you, all it will do is put the odds in your favour.” He says not breaking eye contact with Xander.
Slight tilt of the lips Xander agrees. “Well, he’s not with us, and he’s not with you, I say he’s rogue. Wants both flags for himself, rule all of us...”
After Jinto shoots John a dirty look he tries to defend himself “He now I’d do no such thing.” He doesn’t know how to feel about the amused snort coming from behind him. He turns to see Evan looking quite smug and Wex makes a brake for it but a cry comes up from behind Evan. A small group of kids emerge from the trees clutching one of the vests that are a part of Evan’s uniform.
“Ah man!” Xander exclaims. “Good game guys!”
“But we lost.” Wex said sounding downtrodden. Xander gathered his team and spoke quietly for several minutes. When he was done all the kids looked happy, Wex grabbed his and Evan’s hands and dragged them off to play another round leaving John standing there a little dumbstruck.