Chapter Six
Title: Unintentional Consequences
Genre/Pairing: Xander/Graham, Lorne/Sheppard
Spoilers: Vague Season 4 Tabula Rasa SGA, Post-Chosen Buffy
Summary: Xander, Andrew and Faith find themselves in the Pegasus Galaxy and inadvertently help two men find each other
Disclaimer: Buffy and all themes and characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Stargate with all themes and characters belong to MGM. No copy right intended
Faith stalked through the corridors unable to shake off her tension. She was just itchin’ for a good fight, to slay. It was much easier when she was in prison to control her slayer side, but out here in the real world, ok a real world that was far from the one she protects, but a world or galaxy what ever you want to call it was much harder to do. Especially since there is an enemy here that she can fight, those weird things with the white dreads, the Wrath? The Raits? What ever they’re called she could go, kick some ass, then take care of one of the hungry part of the double H’s since there seemed to be lots of food here.
There were three men were huddled together in the corner of the room far from prying ears.
“Dude she’s gonna kill us all if we don’t get outta here for a couple days, or a day, we could do a day. One day out of this city, this wonderful fabled city that has nothing to cope with the double H’s. You do remember the double H’s, right man?” Xander asked giving an exaggerated shudder.
“What about where Teyla is from?” Andrew asked. “She’s got good clothes and she’s good people. Ergo her people are good people.”
“Couple days. You know trees fresh air? New clothes I’m willing to go shopping here man.” Xander whispered emphatically.
Nodding vigorously Andrew elaborated, “She is wound tighter than Princess Leia’s hair and no amount of meditation and training is gonna change that.” This only confused Evan.
“Well the no slaying...”Andrew clarified.
“And no Robin...”
“Guys,” Evan interrupted with his hands held in a defensive gesture, his tone slightly curt. “Can you clearly tell me what it is that you want me to do? Might make this whole process go a little easier”
Both Scoobies immediately snapped their mouths closed and exchanged worried looks, seems to them like Faith isn’t the only one in need of some kind of release.
Andrew having learned since his time as a ‘guestage’ at the Scoobies let Xander take the lead, knowing that he had a better chance of getting what they all wanted and remained silent instead of spinning the tale of the dark slayer that he wanted to.
“We need out and if we can’t go see Teyla’s people,” Xander started a little more hesitantly than the conversation had begun with. “Is there some sorta main land with tree’s and terrain? Or the other option is we could maybe cordon off part of the city? We can go all out against her. Us three as well as Teyla and Ronon, if they’re interested that is, maybe Rodney if he wants in? And John of course, we can go teams of two a Scooby and an Atlanteanite, that’s what you guys are called right? Turn it into a whole learning thing since we have different methods?”
Evan listened to the two men as they plead their case. He had seen, as well as anyone with eyes could see, the tension rolling off the dark haired slayer, it was coming off in waves and it was so palpable that people had taken to using their radios to warn each other which corridor and rooms she was in to avoid her volatile aura. Of course Evan had already started planning for this, for both scenarios that Xander had suggested. Faith wasn’t the only who needed to blow off some steam. He was working out plans with Col. Carter’s approval.
It would be easier if they could explain the fact that Faith is a slayer, but they were leaving out that aspect of Faith and the Scoobies until the Daedalus arrived. They were told that two senior delegates from the council coming, Giles and Dawn. They would be going to do the history lesson for the Col. The theory being that if the truth were to come from people who hadn’t spent hours in a brig discussing hot pockets, and hadn’t been interrogated by anyone here on Atlantis it would be slightly more believable.
“We could even do some at night, we could have night vision goggles she wouldn’t, not that she would need them or anything, but at least there’d be a bit more of a challenge for her there you know?” Xander continued before Evan could say anything.
Evan had learned a little of the needs of slayers after the battle in LA. He received the history lesson, which included the standard speech that starts- “The world is older than you know...” To what the slayers need for what is charmingly referred to as the double H’s.
He had tried to repress the second half of the double H’s and took the opportunity to ask them about their need for the hunt, the violence that he had learned about, and the ways that they controlled and siphoned it. Did it always have to involve violence or could it be challenged into things like music and art.
Evan told the guys about how he already had these ideas in the works, then they all relaxed into a comfortable silence.
Evan was happy for the quiet and wanted to prevent an incident on Atlantis and was acting as the liaison between the Scoobies and his superiors.
Andrew wanted to prevent bloodshed and as well as the chance to go through the gate again.
Xander was hoping to prevent an intergalactic incident, even though a small part of him thought it would be an awesome entry into the watcher journals for future generations.
It took some convincing but eventually Col. Carter acquiesced to both of the requests. There would be a trip to the Athosian village where they would be staying with them for several days as well as some sort of feast Teyla had been telling them about.
Up first though was a training exercise on several floors in one of the empty towers that had been thoroughly explored and deemed safe so no harm could come to Atlantis or is residents.
They were all outfitted with stunners and staffs. Ron
on was decked out in his usual brown leather pants and sleeveless shirt, his favourite gun slung around his hips. Teyla was dressed in the clothes she normally wore during a work out, skirt with two long slits up the front and a corset type sleeveless top. The other guys were dressed in BDU’s. Faith would be going in with no weapons and dressed in her leathers that she was wearing when they first arrived.
The first exercise was to capture and contain her before she disabled all of them. It shouldn’t take her long but they had lots scenarios that they could go through. And if it proved to be to easy for her then Xander had plans to blind fold her to add to the challenge.
They were in the section of the city getting ready to start the first exercise when Xander asked who would be in which team when they paired up against her. John immediately claimed Evan, Ronon stood resolutely and stoically behind Andrew who was bouncing in anticipation leaving Xander and Teyla together. Rodney had declined to participate in the event stating that his genius was needed elsewhere in the city not playing some lame stunner version of paintball.
Faith was crouched low to the ground while waiting for the alarm to sound for the start of the exercise. Once it sounded she took off with a feral grin heading to the closest stair case, jumping over the rail and down to land lightly on the floor below moving silently to the nearest corridor she began the hunt.
Xander was impressed with Teyla so far both having holstered their tasers preferring the quarter staff, in Xander’s case, and the sticks, in Teyla’s. They coordinated their moves with subtle looks and hand gestures that apparently bridge galaxies, or it was entirely possible that she had learned them from all the marines around here. Shaking off his thoughts he concentrated on the task at hand.
Andrew and Ronon had a huge blow out over the way to track down Faith. Ronon had wanted to take the most direct path to her location under the assumption that she would be easily taken down. Andrew adamantly refused to comply insisting that he knew better, Ronon grumbling complaints barely loud enough for Andrew to hear.
John and Lorne were moving directly towards the location that Faith was in. Not being able to give the true reason that Faith has superb abilities Lorne hadn’t been able to convince him to try another tactic.
They ran right into Faith, she gave them a wicked grin and disabled them both before either could get a shot off.
“Hey, I was expectin’ better from you Flyboy. Take it here Col. Klink wouldn’t listen to ya?” Faith winked at Evan while crouching in front of them. “Tell you what I’ll give you another shot.”
She was gone by the time they got up off the floor.
Xander and Teyla were harder, not that it would be that much of a challenge after Lorne and John. The two had managed to surround her in a room that had large pillars in it. Even being attacked from both sides with their hand-held weapons at their full speed and had her maneuvered next to one of the pillars, Faith was blocking most of the blows. Teyla brought both sticks towards the back of Faith’s head when she did a spun, pulled the stick’s out of Teyla’s hands and used her stomach and the pillar to launched herself over Xander.
Landing behind him Faith brought the sticks down against the back of his left knee and wrenched away his staff as he went down. Faith tossed both weapons to the far side of the room. “You need to watch you’re blind side Boytoy, and Teyla you have to get me some of your clothes, that skirt is kickass!”
Teyla took off after her but Faith was too far away to hit with her stunner. “You have not been totally honest with us about her, have you?”
Xander shouldn’t have been surprised that Teyla knew something was off. Nodding but not looking her in the eyes he responded with, “Yeah and we will tell you, but not till the Daedalus arrives. We protect our family and we their support, not all here will react appropriately to what she is and what she can do.”
Teyla understood but was still slightly hurt, he had basically just said that they didn’t trust her, or her team. She went to go grab their weapons so they could continue the exercise.
“Teyla understand that these people here are the military and we have had unpleasant encounters with some of them in the past. It wasn’t these specific people, but we are wary.” Xander turned his head to look at her directly now, his brown eye burning into hers as he continued. “We will not put you in a position between them and us. You are an honorable person who would not want to break our trust, but these people are you’re family and they come first. We are trying to respect that.”
Teyla’s eyes softened in understanding, she came over and brought their foreheads together.
Andrew and Ronon had setup in an area for an ambush. Andrew had decided that going full out against her before she burned off some of that extra energy was not the best course of action. He was silent, his weapons held steady, this was not something that he generally ever was, but this was Faith. She had been training and working with him, bitching at him while still teaching, treating him like a real Scooby.
Ronon on the other hand was going between anxious and bored. Waiting instead of going on the offensive was not his style, but the chatty blonde one was so captivating and strange. He wasn’t sure what was going on but he was determined to find out, and that was only possible by sticking close.
Suddenly something dropped right down in front of where they were catching Ronan off guard, he was sent flying backwards. Andrew got several shots of, one actually hitting Faith in the right shoulder. Her arm hung down limply she looked at it in complete surprise.
Andrew didn’t wait pressing his advantage he used his quarterstaff getting in several heavy blows, one of the last sent to her solarplex doubling her over then he swung the staff around and up into an upper cut sending her backwards. She landed and then did a backwards somersault onto her feet. She gave them both a feral grin before knocking them both down.
Several hours and many, many bruises later Faith was a happy girl. She jumped on Xander locking her arms and legs around him and demanded that he take her to the mess hall and fulfill one of the hungers inside her.